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How can I already have a crush on Taehyung!? I barely know anything about the boy besides his love for anything and all strawberry and the 'vision' dilemma. I dont know anything about his home life or what he likes to do for fun. Heck! I dont even know if he is gay or not! I don't even know if I myself like dick or not!

The idea never really crossed my mind before Bam and his 'gaydream' comment. Then again I've never looked at a girl in any type of way and here I was at an all boys camp unconsciously throwing compliments left and right.

The way he dresses with an 'I woke up like this' style. How soft to touch his blonde locks are and how good they smell. How delicate his facial features are with that gently sloped nose and unblemished skin. His form slender and lithe and huggable. Curvy yet oh so masculine.

Oh my Jesus Yoongi calm the fuck down!

At the best possible time Hoseok and Jungkook waltz into our cabin, distracting me from driving myself insane with my own thoughts.

Taehyung looked up from his spot on his bed where he was playing with Holly.

This was our first meeting since the great reveal.

Taehyung was supposed to write down what all he could get out of his vision so far, but he was hesitant.  Its too frightening, too gruesome ,too everything he says.

Hoseok with his usual blindigly bright personality perched himself on my bed while the ever glaring Jungkook sat beside Taehyung. A little too close if you ask me, but its not my place to tell him how close he gets too sit near his friend. If that's really all they were.

We were all silent waiting for Tae to start.

He closed his eyes and lets out a long breath. He shook his head slightly making his curls bounce and opens them to stare at the dreamcatcher between our beds.

I never really thought deeply on it before. Who am I kidding I have. But Taehyung is is one messed up child, he probably suffers from some intense nightmares. I mean Tellatubby type fuel.

"I've never really had to explain it before." He said "its like you're being handed clues. The first time I saw this one was in the bathroom with yoongi when his prank on kookie went haywire-

Jungkook glared at me from across the room and I shot him a sheepish smile back.

" I saw a few seconds of the inside of a cabin. Just those quick flashes before the sound starts, the gun goes off pretty quickly so it hard to tell how many shots at first by ear, but you can see them if you concentrate. Like seven little explosion-

"Muzzle flashes." Jungkook interjected taking Taehyungs small hand in his own. The jealousy is pungent. (Jealousy by Monsta x. Listen and you won't regret)

"What's that?" Hoseok asked

"Little flashes of fire that come from a gun barrel, but you can't usually see it."

"Why not?"

"Partly because it happens really fast, and also because there is usually too much natural light, I guess."

Hoseok frowns and looks to Tae. "So this vision of your happens at night?"

Taehyungs eyes go wide like he'd never thought of that possibility. "Huh, maybe."

I felt the need to be more included in the conversation. Even though I still wasn't on board with this mumbo jumbo. No point in sitting here like a dumbass. " so you're only seeing stills? And hearing gunfire so far?"

The blonde shakes his head "no, I saw it in kookie's computer screen last night. " oh yeah, forgot counselors got special privelages like that." There was a person with a hood on with the gun and arms stretched wide. They were stepping backwards and swinging wildly like they were feeling threatened. "

"Was it dark then too?"

"Well I could see them, but not the face before they turned away."

Then it hit me "so how do you know that my friends and I are involved?" I asked.

Taehyung pinned his lips together and stared me down. Apparently he didn't appreciate that question. It probably sounded like an accusation. Like I was questioning his skills or displaying my lack of trust.

His large brown eyes usually dead and void of emotion turned glassy with tears and his plump lips wobbled ever so slightly. He gripped the bottom of his 'mastermind' hoodie and thumbed the material for comfort.

Hoseok's mouth went agape. A crying Tae was quite rare for him, yet I had seen it twice now. Both times me being the cause.

Holly looked at me and I could swear she shook her head 'nice going dipshit'

Jungkook was the only one to take action when the sniffling intensified. He turned the blonde to face him and took his face in his large hands, rubbing away the tears." Tae baby." He cooed "don't cry, he doesn't know."

I don't know what?

The ravenette planted kisses all over the youngers face. His brow. His eye lids. His cheeks. Thank god he stopped there or I might have hurled out of pure disgust or punched him. Well, tried to punch him. Jungkook is quite a large dude. My punch would most likely feel like a tap to him.

"What did I say wrong?" I asked Hoseok once I realized the PDA wouldn't stop any time soon.

"Nothing, its just we don't usually ask about the bodies, we just trust that they are there. Don't worry ,you'll learn soon enough." He explained smiling softly. "I don't think most people would enjoy being asked about seeing the bodies of a bunch of dead kids. Blood pooling on the floor, brains, maybe some guts splattered on the walls-

"Hoseok!" Jungkook growled.

Hobi waved him off "quite growling , you're not his guard dog"

After Jungkook got Taehyung to calm down he decided to catch me up on his past experiences with this mysterious force. How he once estimated when a vision would come true by watching snow levels. How the visions grew in frequency, urgency and intensity until everywhere he looked was covered in them. That usually meant that it was happening soon. And how after the peak the days following were tranquil, normal and silent until the cycle starts again.

He even told me about how he figured out that these things he was seeing were real by connecting them to newspaper clippings. I could tell him I knew all about that from snooping around under his bed, but now didn't feel right. There would be plenty of time for confessions, but first things first I needed to sort out my own feelings.

Not first I mean, solving the mystery about what Kai and kyungsoo had to do with me and the others getting shot if theyre even involved at all came first.

But a close second.

I'll admit this could have been better but my brain isn't working at the moment (-_-) zzz
Say something if you see any mistakes!

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