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"Why didn't you tell me he hit you!"

"I didn't think it would matter.."

"Why do you say things like that! of course it matters! Why do you keep pushing me away?! " The raw agony in Jackson's voice has everybody bristling. It was already awkward enough to have to watch yugyeom pick on Bam but now we had to watch Jackson confess his feelings. Because who was balls enough to even step in at this point? Youngjae was in tears with Jimin trying to console him. Sobbing about how he'd messed everything up with JB for yug only to come to find out the boy was truly just messing with him. Like bam was saying from the beginning.

Jinyoung and mark fled after namjoon.

"I'm not!" Bam bam retorted rubbing at the new bruise forming on his upper arm. Adding to his collection.

"Yes you are ! " Jackson shouted ,clenching and unclenching his fists. "You know why? Because you still love that firetruck head looking dick! You still love him when I'm right here always giving you my best! Always thinking of you!"

"Yeah well where were you when he did this?" The younger looked down at his feet. It was a low blow. Something he said just to get under Jackson's skin, to make him shout more because he felt like he genuinely deserved it.

Jackson reigned in his temper though, knowing that shouting was never the answer. He dug around in his pocket for a hot second before yanking something free and tossing it at the other. Bam fumbled for the item but nonetheless caught it and held it up so I could see as well. It was a bracelet. Nothing too extraordinary but it seemed hand made. Strung onto a leather bands were multiple wooden beads. Each carved with a different letter until it's spelled Bams first name. In the center of all the them was a single marble bead with the inscription " 7/11  "The seventh of July "I was making this! I was making this because dammit I love you and I want you to love me back! Just how you've been chasing yugyeom since primary days I've been chasing you! Why do you love him? Why can't you love me!"

"...the day we met..." Bam mumbled still staring at the bracelet. The inscription must have been the day They became friends. The day Jackson fell in love.

"Huh? Why! Why why why why why!! Why don't you love me!?"

"I-i do...."

"Speak up!"

"I-I said that I do love you!"


"It's just that , getting over your first crush is hard. I've liked him for so long that I'm not sure who I'd be without him..." BamBam admitted.


"I've been trying you know. To let it go. But it's hard-"


"It's harder than you'd think.."

I took that as my cue to exit the vicinity. Didn't seem like my place to be intruding on such a moment.

I stopped by the bathrooms for a quick shower and then went straight to my cabin to tell Taehyung what had happened.

When I got there I wasn't expecting for him to be awake, since sleeping lessens the visions, but to my surprise he was. Lying out on my bed in only his boxers, my boxers actually.


I closed the door gently behind me as a precaution.

His blonde head turned in my direction. The curls slightly grown out at this point and needing to be cut. His eyebrows were knitted together in deep thought as his dark eyes scanned my body from head to toe with the most empty look I've seen in a long time.

"I've been thinking." He said pursing his lips.

I moved to the closet to put on some clothes. Wholeheartedly aware of his gaze fixed on my back.

"Is that a good thing?"

"No" he said tuning over onto his side to give me privacy "it's not, but I've been watching the vision all day and I've got this one scene stuck in my head."

One major flaw of kim Taehyung was that he hated doing laundry with a passion. In the corner of the room sat a huge pile of all his dirty clothing that he refused to wash and apparently now had resorted to wearing up all my clothes.

"Which scene? " I asked

"The one with the shooter backing up."

"Why does that part interest you so?" I finished pulling down my shirt and then went to lie down beside him. No matter how many times I tried to snuggle Tae he never allowed me too. He much preferred for me to just lay there while his snuggled me. His chin on top of my head and his arms wrapped securely around my shoulder, legs around my waist. I guess it had to do with being in control for once. Something he never got or ever would get from his brother. If he needed to feel like everything was going at his pace I wouldn't take that from him.

"When he's backing up I think I caught him stumbling, but I couldn't tell over what." He mumbled into my hair " but I did see something else."

I hummed.

"I saw a backpack."



"You think it's kyungsoo?"

Taehyung frowned "didn't we both think it was kyungsoo? I mean if my boyfriend treated me like that I would want to shoot him too."

"But Kai doesn't get shot." I said laughing. Then I stopped "Kai doesn't get shot..."

The blonde sat in silence for a few minutes thinking that over. Why had we ever thought kyungsoo was the shooter if his main tormentor never gets shot in the vision?

"Ugghhh this is way too much stress for a teenager to handle." I groaned scrubbing at my face in emotional agony " how'd you ever do it by yourself?"

Taehyung pulled me closer "I was never alone. Though I didn't know it at the time, I had a sandman out there spinning special dreams to keep me sane." He kissed me on the nose "I'm gonna miss you when summer is over."

I was about to tell him that I would miss him too when I remembered "Taehyung!"

He jumped "what?"

"Did I ever tell you the good news?!" He shook his head no with a bewildered expression "I called my mom a while back and gave her the run down on the situation. She said you could stay with us for a while after camp!"

For the first time since the day I met him I believed I finally saw the true color of my boyfriends eyes. Not the muddy dead brown they were when he was plagued with nightmares. Or the mahogany color they turned when he forced warmth into his heart just for his loved ones. But their true hazel-esc color as his mouth formed an over the moon box shape.

He was happy.

And as a reward for causing that overwhelming happiness I was granted a kiss. Smack on the lips.

I may have even gotten more if that knock at the door hadn't interrupted. Followed by a timid looking raventte with absolute fear swimming in his owl eyes.

Do Kyungsoo.

He stood in the doorway staring at us but not truly seeing us.

"I-I n-need help."

Do you guys think that Yoongi has changed ?if you do how so?

Also I'm not sure if I put slang in my writing but if there is anything that you haven't been able to understand I can explain

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