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He knew. He definitely knew. Kyungsoo probably told him about the ambush in the cafeteria. He knew we were on to him and now we'd have to die for our knowledge. Okay maybe that was taking it a bit far. He wasn't a murderer until proven murderous. But Tae was right about him having that murderish look.

Kyungsoo still hadn't spoken a word since we first came. And suddenly I was whole heartedly confused. I don't really see why Kai wants their relationship to be a secret. Bangchan, baek and Chanyeol seem like pretty understanding dudes. Felix well not so much, but his was just aggression towards the happiness he himself wasn't allowed.

The ravenette remAined utterly still seated cross legged on the other bed. He looked extra pale in the dim lighting. The black hoodie as stark a contrast as the blood red shoes he wore. His backpack the victim of his killer grip. Knuckles white while playing with the zippers. Why was he always clutching that bag?

"Min Yoongi! You okay dude?" Kai called out to me with a smug look on his face.

My mind froze up. I suddenly didn't have anything to say so I looked to Taehyung for advice but the blonde just turned his head away. An obvious 'bro that's your problem' gesture. So I decided to do what I did best. Play dumb.

"Y-yeah I'm good." I mumbled rocking back on the balls of my heels causing the floor to squeak " I don't believe We've ever met. "

Kai smirked as if he knew what I was doing. In the corner of my eyes I could see kyungsoo staring at me now. Could feel his heated gaze burning into my skull.

The brunette gracefully pushed himself up off the bed. I don't remember him being that tall when we first saw him in that clearing but then again most of my focus was on Taehyung. How he reacted to Kai grabbing Soo with such force. Now I understood why he couldn't stand to watch.

The taller male strode over to me with predefined powerful steps. "No we haven't." His gaze slid over my entire form from head to toe. If anything it was a bit Pervy. "But I've heard some rumors."

"All good things I hope." I forced a smile onto my face. Kyungsoo told him. He knows . He knows . He knows. It's all over. He'll kill you now and go after the others before anyone could even think to restrain him. He knows. He knows. He knows. You're gonna die. He's gonna put a bullet between your eyes. He knows. He knows. He knows. HE KNOWS!  A flash of silver shattered my composure.

I didn't even realize I had started to dry heave until I was down for the count lying on the ground. Soft hands cupping my cheeks , rubbing them soothingly. An extremely warm forehead forcibly pressed against my own. Their eyes closed. Dark eyes lashes like blobs of ink against white paper.

He knew! He knew! He knew! Kyungsoo told him! He's going to kill you! He'll be the last face you see before your life ends! You'll never see your mom again. You'll never see your dad again. You'll never see Taehyung again.


"Tae." I whispered. Burying my burning face into the crook of the blondes neck.

He held my face tighter. "I'm here. Your here. Everything's fine." He leaned in close to my ear and whispered the one thing I wished to hear most " he doesn't know"

My heart beat was calmed in an instant. Over his shoulder I could clearly see everybody standing around awkwardly. Baek, Chanyeol and Bangchan hanging back like they weren't really sure if they should offer comfort or not. Kai standing where I'd leapt back from him when he'd offered his hand to shake. Looking  very much confused and even a tad bit concerned.

Kyungsoo stood beside him with his backpack now sling over his shoulders. His foot tapping relentlessly as he chewed on his bottom lip.

Well wasn't this embarrassing. I don't remember the last time I freaked out like that. Let my anxiety get the best of me. I just could have sworn I saw Kai whip out something silver. I heard the click and on instinct I shut my eyes waiting for the bang. Maybe recreating the shoot out (growling! Walker walker walker) with Tae wasn't the best idea . Back then it was all fun And games. But this was real. I never fully realized the gravity of the situation till just now when my entire being was convinced that it was game over. Never have I ever felt so small in the presence of such a predator.

I felt it. I felt the cold metal of the muzzle pressed up against my forehead. I could feel his warm breathe fan across my face asking if I had any last words. And the worse part was that I didn't. I cried is what I did. I cried and I cried and I cried because in that moment , when the Grimm reaper finally came knocking at my door I realized all the things I had to loose.

My eccentric brownie loving mother. My dad who taught me how to be the person I was. BamBam. A boy whom I'd grown to consider my best friend. Jackson, who i still had so much to teach about love even though I myself was fumbling about in the dark . Holly. Ok there wasn't many things to say about her spoiled ass but I'd still miss her. She was all I had in the beginning and I would never forget that.

And Taehyung.

My Taehyung.

He'd already come so far and had more miles ahead of him. I wanted to be there for that road trip.


I'm scared.

I'm scared of dying.

"Maybe we should call it a night." Bangchan suggested after a long strained silence.

Kyungsoo was still staring at me wrapped in Taehyungs embrace. His unwavering stare with those wide owl eyes. His jaw working back and forth as if he was grinding his teeth. Huh. Maybe Kai wasn't the one with the murderish look.

"Aww" Baekhyun pouted " but we didn't even get to play truth or dare"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes "all you would have done was ask if people like you. Dare them to raise their hands if they did. And make them tell the truth about to which extent they found you appealing."

Baek pouted " I dare you to raise your hand if you like me."

"And if I don't?"

"Then I dare you to raise your standards"

Taehyung proceeded to pull away from the long lasting hug much to my protest. He helped me up to my feet and then guided me towards the door. "Well you all have fun, we'll try this again another time."

He shoved me out the door before I had a chance to say goodbye and then down the trail a bit.

"What the hell tae! We can't leave! We didn't get any information!"

Taehyung assisted me in walking. His arms slung around my waist as we stumbled along. It reminded me of the time I carried him on my back when he refused to respond to anything.

"It's okay." He smiled "we got the info we needed."

"And that is?"

"That he doesn't know."

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