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Intervention. That's all my mind could come up with. Just like initiation but you know...longer.

That's all this could possibly be, an intervention. They've realized my unnatural relationship with Holly and now they probably think I'm into beastiality or some other weird kinky illegal shit. But nobody knows about Holly besides Taehyung, (and Bam but we aren't including him) so he was obviously the one who squealed.

They higher you go the farther you have to fall. I knew this hype would have to crash eventually but I didn't think so soon! Its only been a few hours!

"Hey g-guys." I nervously sputtered rubbing none to gently at the back of my neck.

Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok all sit in a circle on our cabin floor, pillows cushioning there butts from the hard wood. An extra pillow is set aside for me.

Intervention, I'll say it again. I've been to one before for my Auntie back home. She became quite the alcoholic when her husband left her and my elder cousins for a younger women, she even occasionally hit my cousins out of frustration. When my mom and dad found out they gathered the rest of the relatives for an intervention and even paid for her rehab bills. The cousins stayed at our house for a few months before moving in with their grandmother . In my room may I add, which was already small with just one boy and his lover- I mean dog! But as long as they weren't being abused anymore, it was bareable.

There were a few others over the years following. One for my dad and his smoking. One for my grandpa and his gambling and even one for my mom and her addiction to brownies. Every damn day she was shoving a brownie down my throat to taste test! When she started to get depressed over her wait gain that's when we stepped in. I mean what did she expect though eating a plate of brownies a day!?

Interventions became a family tradition oddly enough. It was like a bonding moment, a way to show each other we cared. I guess its my turn, with family or not this was coming soon enough.

"Yoongi why don't you-"

"Its not weird!" I shouted , in a hurry to explain myself "Holly is a female and I'm a growing boy so its not weird for me to be developing certain interest! "

Holly, who was lying down on my bed perks up and gives me a look that translated to 'dude what the fuck are you talking about?'

"She always sitting on my face when I sleep and being a tempting little shit! Its not like I intentionally planned out our wedding and the time slots we would have our furry babies but every time she looks at me I just can't think straight! Granted I had this uncle who used to keep turtles and the police found some questionable shit in his basement, so its not my fault! It runs in the family-"

Hoseok cut me off. His face beat red from holding back his laughter "Yoongi what are you talking about?"

I blushed, my vision clearing a bit from my high. "This isn't an intervention about my intimate relationship with Holly?"

Jungkook made a face "wait, you fuck your dog?"

"No!" I shrieked, that was the truth. I'm not that weird!

A strange sound came from Hoseok, a snort maybe. "Yoongi just come sit down, we can talk about your Holly addiction later."

I sighed with relief. I wasn't going down yet! We still had time to elope!

I sat down gingerly and waved at Taehyung. He'd been silent this entire time. His doped expression was evaporated and now he had returned to his dead fish staring. His arm was clean of all scribblings. Only a few words scralled across the center of his palm. He must have felt my attention because he look up and met my gaze for a second, then shifted it a bit higher.

It reminded me of our first encounter when he said he could see 'it ' in my eyes and curiosity made me suddenly want to know what 'it' was. Why this boy couldn't look me in the eyes. Why he found his own reflection so repulsive that he screamed bloody murder. Why he kept all those newspaper clipping under his bed.

"What's this about?" I asked.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. He glances at Tae for a second before speaking "I don't want to do this. Its a bad idea in my opinion but Taehyung thinks you're trustworthy."

Hoseok smiled "Can you keep a secret Yoongi?"

I blinked. "Yes." I lied. I'm not sure. I've never been given a secret to keep.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me. "If you tell anyone, I will pay you a personal visit." Was that a threat?

Hoseok shoved Jungkook lightly telling the other that he couldn't threaten campers. Shouldn't be able to threaten anyone with such a calm expression. "Taehyung thinks that he owe's you for not running away after his episode in the bathroom."

"He believes since you guys bunk together, you should know this. Who knows, it might directly involve you one day. Right Tae?"

Taehyung nodded slowly and took a deep breathe. Jungkook and Hoseok both gave him reassuring whispers while I waited for this grand announcement of whatever I needed to know. I won't lie that my palms are sweating and I am nervous.

"Your friends" he mumbled after an excruciating long period of waiting "they're going to die."

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