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"I still don't like this idea." I complained, tugging Tae to a stop.

Without looking back at me he slid his fingers through my own and continued forward despite my protest. " doesn't matter if he is involved or not, the guys always by himself"

Figuratively sure, he was always alone. Literally, he was constantly surrounded by the same group of boys. The tall one with the big ears. The cute on with the mullet. A boy with blue curls and a short blonde with an insanely deep voice. I mean I thought Taehyungs voice didn't match his face, but this kid gave him a run for his money. Despite the so called friends always being around the ravenette was secluded in his own bubble. Always zoned out and figitting. It creeped me out.

"How do you plan on approaching him?" I asked

The owl eyed boy was bitting his nails in the breakfast line. The blue haired individual trying to engage him in conversation, but Soo wasn't having any of it.

"You should be grateful that I'm helping you. " I start, feeling a tad bit frustrated "you won't tell me how my friends and I are involved in this and you have no living proof, for all I know this could be one long running prank."

I know that I'm being unfair to him. Making him envision such horrid images when they aren't being shoved into his brain, but I can't help myself. I want to push him. To get some kind of reaction from him.

Taehyung glanced back then and stared me dead in the eye. "After the shot of the shooter backing up and the muzzle flashes there is a clip showing the outside. Seven body bags lined up in the dirt. One of them is open, showing a face."

I drop my head, hating myself for making him say the next bit. "A face?" I ask

He nodded sympathetically and whispered "your face."

Tae is quiet for a long moment after that. Then he turned back around and continued to tug me towards the line. More specifically kyungsoo.

When we got close enough he released my hand and slipped his way between soo and the other boys smoothly. Pushing his hand against the wall and signaling for me to slip in behind him so he couldn't escape that way.

"Do Kyungsoo?"

It's one of those moments when a complete stranger approaches you addressing you by your full name when you yourself have no clue who they are. Soo is currently having one of those moments.

He stopped walking forward abruptly before he smacked into the shorter blonde and his cheeks go rosy. Instinctively he gripped the straps of his backpack, the backpack that never ever leaves his shoulders , tighter. 

"Do I know you?" He questioned uncertainly.

A switch flipped in Tae. His eyes warmed up just a fraction, more than I've ever had the privilege of witnessing , and he smiled that adorable box smile. From a forever cloudy day to a sunny one in seconds. What the fuck!?

"No, I'm Kim Taehyung and this is my friend Min Yoongi." He replied, voice sweeter than candy.

Kyungsoo gave me a side glance and I waved awkwardly.

Up ahead his group of friends, whatever they were, acquaintances, noticed that he had gotten pushed back in the line and turned to watch with questioning gazes.

"Who are your friends?" Not that I'm interested in knowing, but if I'm not friendly I'll never win Taes love by messing with his plan.

He bit his hang nail clean off and let it drop to the floor before biting at another " the tall one is Chanyeol, mullet is baekhyun, blondy is Felix and curls is Bangchan" taehyung answered for him shooting me a look that said 'shut the fuck up'. Welp. Guess I'm just here to watch.

"You know their names so why are you asking me?"

"They aren't your real friends are they? They're your boyfriends?"

Kyungsoos eyes widening confirmed Taehyungs words.

The blonde then pushed himself off the wall with a wicked grin. " oh but they don't know that Kai is your boyfriend do they? They think he's dating a girl named Eunjae, don't they?"

When Soo said nothing the blonde tilted his head "what? No response? Is it because I'm not supposed to know all that? Will Kai be mad if I happen to let this information slip?"

Wow. I'm now seeing Kim Taehyung through a different light and  I'm ashamed to admit it but, I like it. A lot.

Chanyeol leaned down to whisper something in Baekhyuns ear who in turn whispered to Felix who whispered to Bangchan. The boy frowned at the others but none the less started making his way over.

I signaled to Taehyung over Kyungsoos shoulder that it was time to bail.

The blonde responded with a subtle nod.

Placing a sweater clad hand on the boys shoulder he squeezed him hard. " I suggest you come eat dinner with us tomorrow, we'll be looking out for you "

As soon as Bangchan arrived and opened his mouth to speak Taehyung spun and grabbed my arm. What's with him and dragging me? Not that I'm complaining , but still. I'm not a dog. Or am I? I'm loyal to the blonde . I'd follow his every order. I started liking long walks recently. I crave his attention. Maybe I am a dog. All I need is a leash now.

We walked out of the crowded cafeteria straight to our cabin.

Only when the door was secured did the younger let his facade fall.

Bright smile fading. Eyes freezing over. Any traces of emotion, specifically happiness, draining away slowly. 

I threw myself back into my bed and buried my face "I'm not sure I understand."  I confessed.

Taehyung lye down beside me and pressed his back against my arm. Whipping the covers from me he wrapped himself head to toe. " blackmail. It was the easiest route to take."

"Or, hear me out on this one, we could have simple asked ' would you like to sit with us at dinner?'. "

"No, we couldn't give him such an easy choice. This ways it's either 'eat with two blackmailing strangers' or ' let your boyfriends secret out'. Doubt he wants either"

"So this is where it starts?"

Taehyung groaned and shoved me over almost throwing me off my own bed "stop talking! I want a nap!" He grumbled.

I rolled my eyes but complied. A princess needs her beauty sleep.

Instead I just let myself drift into my thoughts. Thinking of my family whom I miss. The video games I'm gonna play when I get home. All the anime I need to catch up on.

Eventually that got boring so I thought about Taehyung. He's been suffering for so long now. Vision after vision. Each More gruesome and heartbreaking. It must be torture to have to watch them play out over and over and over just to get such tiny bits of info.

I scrunched my eyebrows together "hey Taehyung?" I know this sounds like a dumb question but I need to ask. Has he ever confirmed this? "I know that you gather all this information to narrow down when your vision happenes and all, but have you ever actually prevented one from coming true?"

All I received was a snore in response.

I got my new phone! Yay! I'm so scared I'm gonna drop and shatter it 😭

Oops this could have been written better, way better but eh. Until next times ✌🏽

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