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I've never done anything like this before. I'm going into the ninth grade in September and I've never ever hung out with kids my age. So when Jackson Wang asked me if I wanted to tag along with him and the others I just blinked at them. I wasn't trying to be mean but I was really just that shocked. At a complete loss of words.

"Is he okay?" Mark asked.

"I think you broke him Jackson." Yugyeom said waving his hands in front of my face. Jackson bent down a little trying to catch my eye.

"Hey! Yoongi, you okay man?"

BamBam poked me in the stomach, finally breaking my trance.


Jinyoung smiled. His black hair falling into his eyes. "Good. Let's go."

The group began walking down the trail and I had to run to catch up with them. Is this really the best idea? Holly's been alone in the cabin all day. She's proabaly lonely.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

No one answered and I didn't bother asking again.

The forest wasn't too bad. It had a constant warmth to it that made you want to curl up on a soft pile of leaves and take a nap. My body felt lighter than usual walking amongst nature. My footsteps were barely a whisper compared to the others. BamBam glanced back my way multiple times just to ensure that I was actually still there. I felt that if I could just stand still enough I could just blend right into the background. Hiding in plane sight.

Youngjae walked beside Bam with his shoulders slumped and his feet dragging. I noticed that he was the most gloomy one. Always scowling or frowning at something. "Jaebum is so lucky." He grumbled.

Mark sighed loudly "you got that right. I wish I knew how to play baseball."

"Well" Jackson shrugged "its not like Jaebum is having more fun than us. His camp is all about training for the next season. Hard work and excercise. A truly scary force."

Yugyeom smirked "it's amazing how the infamous 2j could be split up so easily. " he playfully punched Youngjae in the shoulder. "I bet you thought you two would spend all summer watching Netflix and chilling."

Youngjaes face turned white as paper. His eyes glazed over with tears.
Bam shoved Yugyeom away "nice going gyeom."

I felt so out of place watching this. Like that one family member that always got forgotten and left out of pictures, like I shouldn't be witnessing this, hearing this information. I was just about to turn and slip away when Jackson announced "we're here!"

I didn't know where here was. We were in a clearing, which there were many of in this forest. A ginormus oak tree stood tall and proud smack in the center. Within its clunky branches it supported a shack. A treehouse.

"A treehouse?" Oh, did I say that out loud?

" yep." Mark smiled wide "this isn't our first time coming out to this camp. We know the land like we know that Lisa from class 6a isn't a virgin."

Bam made a face "why would you choose that of all things to compare it too?"

The inside of the treehouse was every little boys dream. There were stacks and stacks of different board games and video games cases. Dusty chests full of various comics lined the walls. An old overstuffed couch took up residence in one corner before a small TV hooked up to a game console. A game console! Its only been on day and I already feel like o could cry tears of joy just from being near one.

I hadn't bothered to risk bringing my own portables. Holly was the biggest leap I would dare to take.

The guys must have caught my expression because Mark came up and clapped my shoulder "hey, man. Don't get all soft on us now."

I shook my head in disbelief as I wondered towards the electronic. How did they have power out here in the middle of nowhere? Its probably best not to question it.

"Hold it!" Jackson shouted stopping me dead in my tracks. He stepped over dramatically slow with a stack of magazines in his hand. His eyes have a dangerous glint "we'll get to the games later, but first. Initiation. "

"Initiation! " the others cheered .

"Initiation?" I asked , eyes wide.

Jackson smiled"initiation "

"If someone says initiation one more time I think I'll shoot myself." Youngjae grumbled under his breathe.

Jackson hands over the stack of Magazines and moves to whisper the plans in my ear.

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