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"I'm sorry!" I cried desperately trying to escape Taehyungs hold"I'm sorry Taehyung!"

Every time i made to shove the blonde boy awAy he somehow managed to snag his shivering hands on a bit of my clothing. The rain relentlessly beating down on our heads chilling us to the bone. But Taehyung refused to end it like this.

"You can't do this!" Taehyung screamed. His voice quaking with agony as he clawed at me. Unable to see past all his tears, through the soaking hair sticking to his forehead. "You can't just leave me! Don't leave me!" He sputtered barely getting the words out past the violent sobs building in his throat. "Don't be selfish! This won't fix anything!"

I smiled down at him. His tear and soot streaked face buried into my chest.

"It's time I let you go."


I shot up in bed with a start, clutching my chest and breathing hard. I could feel the warm tears running down my face and hear my own sobs ringing in my ears even though they sounded distant. "I'm sorry Taehyung!"

To my surprise and relief the only person in the cabin to witness the distress was Jungkook. Seated on the floor with Holly in his lap staring with raised brows as he gingerly sipped from his mug .

Holly tilted her head in her own confusion. 'Bitch what's wrong with you?'

It was a dream. It was all a dream. A dream where I was breaking up with Taehyung in the rain. Yeah, that type of dream.

Scrubbing furiously at my heated cheeks I pushed back my blankets. My legs bare of the jeans I'd worn last night, only my Spider-Man boxers and plain T-shirt to the viewing. That made my face burn even more. Taehyung had undressed me last night as I was in no shape to do it myself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked once I was sure that all my tears had dried up. I felt like I could use a good stretch.

The ravenette shrugged "Tae called a meeting." He answered sipping from his mug before nudging his chin to my right. "He and hoseok went to get breakfast. You missed wake up."

On my bedside table where he'd indicated there was a large mug of steaming hot coffee. Black and smooth in its burnt orange cup it almost distracted me from the note lying beside it . I could recognize that handwriting anywhere .I'd spent so many hours just staring at it scrolled across bare skin.

'''''Yoongi-ah , I didn't want to wake you. I called a meeting so we could all discuss the new clues. I made you coffee! It was my first time so I'm sorry if it's bitter~


Excited to try something that Taehyung made for me I grabbed the cup and took a hesitant sip. Hmm it wasn't that bad. But I would enjoy it far more if it had some creamer.

"No creamer?"

"Black is better for you."


"Don't be a bitch and drink it black!"

I glared at Jungkook but obviously it had no effect. It was like a bunny trying to claw at a tiger. He shrugged his shoulders and reached for the laptop beside him.

He tapped away at the keys for a few minutes. Occasionally peeking at me over the blue lit screen.

"What do you want?"


"You were looking at me."

"The fact that you know I was looking at you says that you were looking at me."

To suppress all the colorful insults I had itching at the tip of my tongue to spew at him I took a long swing of my coffee. Relishing in the burning sensation washing over the roof of my mouth. I took it as a metaphor for my sins washing away.

Eventually Jungkook gave in "look kid. I don't like you." Blunt. Good start . "But Tae told me what happened last night and well." He scratched his black hair awkwardly . "You okay?"

The question had me stunned. Jeon Jungkook was asking me if I was alright. Me as in me min Yoongi. The kid who stole his buttbuddy? As in me the pale shrimp sitting on the bed trying to stab off an awkward silence. Yeah seemed accurate enough.

I don't know how I am supposed to be okay after that. It's not everyday you come face to face with the person you know will be stepping up to put a bullet through you at any second. It's not everyday that they smile at you like they had no idea of their own intentions.

Nope I was not okay.

"Yeah" I nodded gripping my mug tighter "I'm fine, I probably just ate something bad."

"Since day one all you've been eating is my cooking and I know you didn't just suggest that it made you sick!"

A blinding ray of sunshine appeared in the doorway in the nick of time. Saving me from this conversation that the author herself didn't know what to do with.

Behind hoseok smiling over his shoulder was Taehyung. He looked beyond happy today. Bam bam right on his heels.

"Please don't tell me you brought that cow with you." Jungkook groaned

Bam bam sauntered into the cabin with his head held high. Despite the confidence in his walk the limp was very noticeable. The purple bruise blossoming on his cheek sticking out like a lantern in the dark. His lip was split. The blood from the would trickling down his chin and staining his shirt. His arms blue and black with handprints where someone had obviously gripped him too tightly .

"Moo bitch." He grumbled flipping kook off. He flopped down on Taehyungs bed and I could swear the snores sounded off immediately. Holly trampled over , hopping up onto the bed with little assistance from me. Snuggling into the crook of his arm and falling into her own dreamland. The usually boisterous boy looked so fragile curled in on himself.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

Breakfast smelt delicious. With Two plates overflowing with stacks of fluffy pancakes and a Syrup bottle stuck under his arm Tae kissed me on the nose ( an action that made me sneeze every time) leaving hoseok to kick the door shut with his foot. His arms filled with glasses of some red liquid. Kool aid probably. Extra paper plates balanced on his head of orange hair.

"Yugyeom. Who else? " tae said in a low voice " he and the others ganged him in the showers. He asked if he could hide out from Jackson for a while."

If Jackson found out there would surely be more than one murderer present at camp.

I nodded my head in understanding accepting one of the plates of pancakes from him. As soon as it was in my grasp I couldn't help but gasp (#poet). On the inside of his pale thin wrist my name was scribbled in his signature blue ink. The i dotted with a heart.

"Okay." Tae said after successfully passing out all the food. He even set aside a plate for BamBam for when he woke up. Guess he'd forgiven him. "Let's get started."

It's a filler because I've already worked out the ending so the next chapters will probably be longer as I fight to get to the end . Then I already have the sequel in mind cuz my ability to concentrate on one thing at a time is trash 😅.

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