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"I can't think of anything worse than this."


Huh. Who knew Taehyung had a morbid sense of humor. To be joking when we just found out that the person out to shoot me had gotten hold of a gun.  It was only a matter of time before they showed up to do the job. Days at least. And he was cracking up about sunspots. 

"Kyungsoo? Do you know who could have taken it? Did anyone know you had it with you?"

The ravenette shook his head sorrowfully " no. The only people that knew were me my brothers and my father. And my brothers are at baseball camp so-"

Taehyung interrupts "did you say baseball camp?"

I frown "that's not very important right now, focus Tae."

He waves me off "baseball camp? Do you know who all is on the team?" He bends down to look beneath his bed and stretches his arm out. Seconds later he pulls out that old lunchbox id found so long ago and flips it open to grab something. "Do you know their names? Could you point them out?"

Kyungsoo squats down beside the other to look at what he was doing.

Oh, so this is one of those 'leave Yoongi out' situations where I just sit back and watch until some sort of answer surfaces?   Guess I really was a Watson.

Inside the box there are far more pictures than I remember there being. When did he take them?

There is one with BamBam and I sitting down by the lake, but the image is obviously more focused on the white haired boy as half my body is out of frame. Another similar to that underneath where I was the focus with Bam out of shot.

Individual photos of Jackson, Jinyoung, Mark ,Yugyeom,Youngjae, Kai and kyungsoo had me officially creeped out. Especially how none of them were looking at the camera meaning they didn't know the photo was being taken. My boyfriend was a stalker!

To top it all off there was even a group photo of a bunch of boys I didn't recognize . Tae held this photo up to Soo "how many do you know?"

The boy took the photo gently into his hands, scanning it with intent "these two up in the right corner are my brothers" he said pointing at two tall black haired boys " JunMyeon and Jongdae. Ummm then Minseok , Jungyoon , Dongyoung , Jaebum-"

"JAEBUM!" Kyungsoo screeched at my outburst, throwing the photo off somewhere. Oh did I say that out loud? My bad.

Taehyung nodded in agreement. "Jaebum." He said looking a bit triumphant "I keep photos of everyone for precaution , didn't think this one would come in handy though. Here's what I'm getting at. If you're brothers are close with Jaebum then he might known about your dads addiction kyungsoo and passed the message on to the others that they should be weary of you. "

Kyungsoos brows furrowed " so, whoever took the gun searched my bag on a hunch?"

A lightbulb went off in my head.

"Not whoever." I glanced at Taehyung who looked sick to his stomach. We'd come to the same conclusion "there are only six people at this camp who have contact with Jaebum therefore only six suspects. "

It was never soo who did the shooting. Nor was it Kai who we were almost one hundred percent sure of.

"It was one of us. "

One of seven in a scenario where only six die.

Why couldn't we figure that out earlier?

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