Chapter 1: Stomach Pains and Singing

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Jamie's POV

                I walked into my room and flopped down on my bed. I stretched out, yawning as I did so. I felt my stomach roll uncomfortably and groaned. My mom must have heard me from the hallway and came in with a laundry basket propped on her hip. "What's wrong, honey?"
"My stomach hur-" I was cut off as I ran into the en suite bathroom. I coughed up blood and started shaking as my mom helped me up. My legs almost gave out and I leaned on my mom's shoulder for support. She laid me down on the bed.

"Are you alright? You hardly get sick and this is extreme for when you do," she comments worriedly.

"C-could you c-call the d-doctor? I really don't feel well." She nods and walks out of the room. My stomach rolls again and I lay my head down on the pillow, closing my eyes. I was extremely cold so I pulled a blanket over my body. I heard my iPhone ring, it was Louis's ringtone that he and the other members of One Direction made for Nokia. I answered it to see it was my best friend, Brittany. "W-what's up?" I asked shakily.

"Woah, you don't sound good."

"No way, for real? But seriously, why'd you call?"

"Um, well, Jake was making out with another girl." Jake was my boyfriend of three years.

"With who?"

"It was Melanie." Melanie was my other best friend. We were the popular group at school.

"I swear to god. Tell Jake we are through. Oh, by the way, I have to go to the doctor, text ya later!"

"Okay, good luck!"

We hung up and my mom helped me out of the house and into the car. I guess I fell asleep in the car, because I woke up in a hospital bed with multiple needles in my arms. "Oh thank goodness, you're finally awake!" I looked at my mother questioningly. "You've been asleep for three days. They ran so many tests on you. Darling," she pauses and lets out a sob, "you have a rare form of stomach cancer, you have to go through extensive chemotherapy." I felt my eyes fill up with tears, but I blinked them away.

"When does it start? Let's get rid of it as soon as we can," I said, managing to put a smile on my face. Being sad was not going to help me whatsoever. My mom seemed shocked at my reaction but soon replied.

"It can start today if you want it to?" she asked.

"Can it start tomorrow?" She nodded. Time to call my 'best friend' and 'boyfriend'.

                I punched in Jake's number. "Hey babe, you haven't answered my texts or anything for a while. What's up with Brit saying we are over?"

"I heard you were making out with another girl. Could it be Melanie? Oh, and I have stomach cancer and I was just asleep for three days."

"Yes, it was Mel, I have been cheating on you for three months now. Face it Jamie, you stopped caring about your appearance long ago. Oh, and about the stomach cancer, I don't really care." I felt my eyes fill with tears, but I blinked them away.

"Bye Jake." He hung up and I called Melanie.

"Hey chica! What's up!"

"Oh, nothing, just have a rare stomach cancer and just found out you have been going behind my back with Jake."

"Well that's too bad, but really, Jake never liked you. Sorry!"

"Bye Melanie." She hung up as well and I called Brittany.

"What's the verdict?"

"I have stomach cancer and I start chemo tomorrow."

"Sucks to suck. I have to go now."

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