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Chapter 2:

I walk out into the woods, grabbing my bow and quiver of arrows as I pass my tent. I sling the strap connected to the quiver over my shoulder like a backpack, and start off into the woods.

I walk for about ten minutes before I see a deer. That's rare. Usually deer are further back into the forest. We'll actually have venison because of this animal.

I silently take out an arrow, loading it carefully into my bow and raising it slightly. I aim, but before I can release the string, there is a rustling and moaning noise, and the deer shoots off.

I let the arrow fly, but it misses as the deer is already gone. Frustrated, I find the arrow, cursing under my breath.

I hear the noise again, and walk past a few bushes to the source. I peer through the bushes, and the sight before me causes my jaw to drop.

Lori and Shane. On the ground, getting naked and kissing. I gasp softly and start to leave.

I step back, and of course, my foot unfortunately steps on a stick, causing it to make a cracking noise like the one you would hear in a movie.

Shane's head shoots up, his eyes narrowing when he sees me. Lori looks back, and her eyes widen when she recognizes me.

My eyes are wide, and my jaw dropped, but I start to turn away. I start running.
I hear loud footsteps behind me, and a hand grabs me by the neck and throws me against a tree.

Shane. I am soooo lucky he had pants on. He glares at me, pinning me to the tree by my neck, which was causing me to choke.

I probably looked like some scared little animal, with my huge eyes and worried expression.

"What are you doing here?!" Shane hisses.

"Hunting!" I squeak out.

"If you say a word to anyone else, I will find you and I will kill you." He growls, and I whimper softly.

"Get out of here! Now!" He yells, and I nod my head fast. He releases my neck, dropping me to the ground. I scramble up and run off through the woods, heading back to camp.

I come upon the camp soon, putting away my bow and arrows in my tent. I then realize I didn't kill anything, so it was pretty much a waste of time.

I sit down on the stump I was sitting on before I had left to hunt.

Eventually, Amy starts panicking when our group doesn't come back quickly. I didn't want to admit that I was getting worried myself.

I caught myself thinking of Glenn. I wonder if he is okay? Surely he is, but then again, they still aren't back, and it's been at least over two hours.

Dale and Jim are working on the RV. I overhear them talking.

"Boy, that hose isn't long for this world, is it?" Dale says.

"No, sir." Jim replies.

"Where the hell are we going to find a replacement?" Dales mutters.

I hear thunder rumbling from above. I look up at the sky, which is being slightly conquered by dark storm clouds. Amy starts pacing back and forth.

"It's late. They should've been back by now."

"Worrying won't make it better." Dales tells her.

Meanwhile on the other side of camp, Lori is folding laundry while Shane is teaching Carl how to tie knots.

I watch them for a moment.

"Good, just tie it like around your finger. Attaboy." Shane says to Carl.
I hear another rumble of thunder.

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