Say The Word

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Chapter 24: Say The Word
Kadyn's POV

My heart beat suddenly slows down, and I can hear it in my ears.

Thump, thump, thump.

My vision is blurry and I've shut out nearly all of my surroundings. But I can still hear Maggie and Rick grieving, and the new baby's wailing fills my ears.

It seems as if the world has suddenly gone into slow mode. I'm frozen, staring at the bloodstained concrete in front of me. My fists are numb and bleeding. I breathe in deeply and slowly, taking one breath at a time.

Thump, thump, thump.

My heart beat continues to pound in my ears. I hear a slight ringing noise, and it suddenly gets louder.

It seemed as if I had just been thrust back into the world. My senses are sharp, my vision clear. My fists are no longer numb and sting badly. Maggie's cries are still present.

Glenn holds me in his arms tightly, almost as if he was scared to let go.

I push myself up from the ground, ignoring the burning pain of my hands.

This can't be happening...


"We got anything a baby can eat?" Daryl asks.

"The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula," Hershel says. "and soon or she won't survive."

"No. No way. Not her. We ain't losing anybody else. I'm going for a run." Daryl announces.

"I'll back you up." Maggie says.

Maggie and Daryl leave on Daryl's motorcycle. Rick has disappeared into the prison.

Glenn leads me into the prison, to our cell, being careful not to make my fists bleed any more than they already are.

I sit down on the bed, holding out my bloody hands to Glenn.

Glenn gently lays my hands in his lap, wetting a clean cloth with a water bottle. He then takes one of my hands and wipes the stained blood away as carefully as possible.

"It's a good thing you didn't break one of your hands." Glenn says softly.

"What's a good thing anymore? What does it matter?" I sigh, lowering my eyes to my knees.

Glenn suddenly stops dabbing the cloth on my hand. He reaches out and touches my cheek with his hand. I look up at him sadly.

"Hey, don't think like that, okay?" He whispers. "Life itself is a good thing. You are a good thing. And you are alive and well. That's what matters."

A warm tear slides down my cheek. Glenn starts cleaning my hands again after wiping away the tears on my face.

"You have to find the good in the bad." Glenn continues.

"There's no good in any of this." I say dully.

"But there is." Glenn insists.

"Joey is dead." I snap, my emotions getting the better of me.

"He doesn't have to live in this world anymore. He's finally safe." Glenn replies.

"I have no more family." I say, my lower lip trembling. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes.

"You have this group and me. You're not alone in the world." Glenn answers.

"We have to live in a prison."

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