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Chapter 14: Nebraska

I stand in complete shock staring at the scene in front of me. Sophia and a ton of other walkers lay dead in front of the open barn doors. Dark red blood was spattered on the rusty barn walls and the dusty ground.

Rick slowly puts his gun back into the holster. Carol continues to sob, as do a few other of the group members. All I can do is stare.

All this time.. All this time she was in there. I think. All this time spent searching for Sophia - and she was a walker in the barn. I got hurt, Daryl got hurt, countless arguements broke out because of this. And she was a walker in the barn. This is unbelievable.

From behind Maggie and Hershel, Beth lets out a sob, running forward to her now-dead-walker mother. I watch in sympathy as she falls to her knees, mourning.

But before she can start to mourn, the walker sits up and growls. It wasn't dead. Andrea runs forward and drives a scythe through the walkerfied Annette's head to end the struggle.

Then, scared, Beth runs back to Hershel, crying. The Greene family starts to walk back to the house, slowly and sadly, and with many tears.

From the other side of the group, Shane follows, steaming mad. The whole group follows, and I, on crutches, do too. I follow along in the back. No one had noticed me, and it was probably best if they didn't.

Shane accuses Hershel of knowing that Sophia was in the barn.

"I did not know she was in that barn. Otis probably found her and put her in there before he died." Hershel replies angrily.

Rick walks forward to stop Shane from saying anything back, but it is Hershel that speaks again.

"I want you and your group off the farm by tonight." He says firmly, walking past Rick to the farm house.

I stop in my tracks. Off the farm? Where would we go? We couldn't just leave! It's Shane's fault. If he hadn't have blown up like that earlier, we wouldn't even be in this mess!

I let out a frustrated sigh and blink the tears out of my eyes, blowing a wisp of hair out of my face before continuing to carefully crutch on.

From near the front of the group, I notice Glenn stop. He turns around and spots me, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Kadyn? You're supposed to be inside!" He says as he approaches me. This was the same reaction I had recieved from Maggie.

"I know, I just..." I start but can't finish.

Glenn steps closer to me and hugs me tightly. I wrap one of my arms around his neck, since I was holding the crutch with the other. I bury my face into his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"She was in there all this time." I whisper, and Glenn comforts me by rubbing my back.

"I know. Let's get you back to the house. We can talk about it then." Glenn murmurs, helping me walk back to the house.

Once safely inside the house, I sit down on the bed in my room, my legs dangling over the side. My injured leg throbbed, but I ignored it.

I notice a bottle of water and some pain pills on the side table, and take them.

Glenn sits down on the bed beside me. "You weren't supposed to leave this room." He says.

"I heard yelling and got curious." I mumble.

"I don't know if anyone could keep you from being curious, huh?" Glenn says, trying to cheer me up.

I shake my head, wanting to smile. But I couldn't. As hard as I tried, a smile would not form on my face.

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