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Chapter 52: A
Baylee's POV

I wake abruptly to the sound of Michonne screaming. I look over at her with wide eyes, heart pounding violently. There are only a few distant walkers on the barren road, but we are safe in the car.

Michonne lowers her head into her hands and I stay quiet, trying to make my own guess on what had happened.

"Nightmares.." Michonne gasps softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay." I gently touch Michonne's arm in a reassuring gesture. "I have them, too."

Michonne looks at me and nods her head a little. She then leans back in the driver's seat.

I offer Michonne a bottle of water and she easily accepts, taking a swift gulp before handing it back. "We should get going." She sighs, checking the surroundings before exiting the vehicle.

I take my time getting my backpack, deciding to give Michonne a little alone time before we set off. When I exit the car, Michonne starts to lead the way down the road.

The journey is quiet, but then again, I expected it to be. Even though we don't talk much, I know Michonne is just as grateful for my company as I am hers.

After a few hours of walking, Michonne and I have run into only five walkers. We tried to save the water as much as we could, but by noon it was almost gone.

We cut through the forest in the hopes of finding something edible. The only things we found were mint leaves, but they satisfied enough to keep going.  Honestly, I preferred travel in the woods rather than the road.  The woods seemed to provide a sense of protection, and of course, they reminded me of the days I had with Steve.  

As we emerge from the woods back onto the road, I notice something.

"Michonne, look!" I rush to the edge of the pavement to the track imprinted in the mud.

I'd been around Daryl long enough to know how to tell how fresh a track was, and the boot print in the mud looked only about a day old. Daryl also taught me how to tell a human's tracks from a walker's - human tracks are usually consistent, and don't drag their feet as much.

Michonne look at the boot print. "Rick," She murmurs, studying the track. "It's gotta be him. He went that way." Michonne nods her head in the direction of the track.

"Well let's follow it." I declare, and Michonne hums in agreement.

A couple of hours later, Michonne and I have followed the tracks into a small, abandoned community.

Luckily for us, the boot prints led right up to the front door of one of the houses. Michonne quietly takes out her katana sword - we still were not certain if it was Rick.

We approach the door carefully. I stand on lookout on the edge of the porch while Michonne peers into the window.

A small gasp of laughter escapes Michonne's lips. "It's them." When she turns around to face me, I notice her lips trembling in happiness.

I smile widely, emotion overtaking me as well. Michonne knocks on the door three times and we stand and wait.

After several minutes of shuffling from inside the house, I hear Rick's groggy  voice. Although I can't tell what he said, the door opens.

I'm face to face with Carl, and Rick stands behind him, grinning like a fool.

Michonne and I are pulled into the house warmly and engulfed in hugs. The celebration of our reunion is short when we realize we may be the only ones left. Carl is for sure that Judith didn't make it.  The baby wasn't seen during the escape according to Carl.

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