Chapter 34: I teach myself how to fly

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I figure that I have wings might as well learn how to fly so I was out running in the woods with my wings out, and I jumped off a big rock and tried to flap my wings. I got a little bit of flight and then I fell to the ground, I said: "okay let's do this one more time". I ran until I found another big rock to jump off, of again and the same thing happened again. When I fell the second time a net came up under my feet. That's when it hit me I'm caught in a hunters net, I went to grab for my knife to cut myself out of the hunter's net. As I was cutting the net I heard, footsteps coming in my direction, "dammit" I thought as the footsteps got louder and closer. I looked over to get a closer look at who was walking over to me and I see that it's Eyeless Jack. As he was walking over to me he happens to look up and see me in a net and trying to get out Eyeless Jack said. "Do you want help down" I looked at him with a look saying 'yeah, of course, I want help down' as Eyeless Jack continues, to walk over to me to help me down I look to see of what is behind him. I said "shit" Eyeless Jack looked at me with a concerned face Eyeless Jack said "what, what's wrong" I looked at him I said "a hunter". The hunter knew what was going on and wasn't going to let it happen, Eyeless Jack saw the hunter and the hunter was about ready to shoot him. I cut free from the net I was in and I jump down from the net and on to the ground, I ran in front of Jack and then the only thing I remember was multiple gunshots fired and Jack yelling. I woke up to find myself in a hospital room inside the mansion, as I go to sit up I see Jeff running down the hallway. Jeff runs into the room I am in and hugged me, I felt his tears hit my wound I got from the gunshots.

It's been a few months since the incident with the gunshots the hunter gave me, although that didn't stop me from teaching myself how to fly. I still get a little bit of air but not enough to get me fully in the air. Also trying to get in some extra killing training, but the only big thing I was more focused on was me flying then trying to kill while flying. It was now night and I was walking around the woods until I heard people talking I jumped up into a tree so they wouldn't see me. As I was in the tree I got a closer look at them, they were teenagers somewhere around the ages of 15 to 16 I'd say, there was about 3 of them spending the night in the woods. Teenager 1 said "alright now that everything is set up let's start the campfire" Teenager 2 & 3 "okay". The other two sat by the fire while the one was getting the fire started. I said, "might as well get rid of these pests" as the night went on one of the teenagers thought something was off. Teenager 2 said "hey guys do you, feel that," Teenager 3 said, "feel what". Teenager 2 said "that we are being watched don't you feel it," Teenager 1 said "its probably just a wild animal". Teenager 2 said "but what if it's" that's when the teenager stopped of what she was about to say as she heard something. Teenager 1 said "fine I will go look" those were the last words she said and walked off with a flashlight. The other two teenagers waited for their friend to come back but she didn't, Teenager 2 said: "okay now I'm really freaking out now". Teenager 3 said "let's both go look" the two of them got up and went looking for their friend. Later on, they found her but hung by her own intentions on a tree branch. Teenager 2 ran off and left teenager 3 behind, as time went on the three of them were dead that's when I heard 6 pairs of footsteps coming towards me. It was Hoodie, Masky and Ticky Toby they looked at me as if I just got done eating a human being. I walked back to the mansion as the three followed me.

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