Chapter 53 More wanted posters + higher bounty

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I was out walking in the city wearing a hoodie so that no one could see me but what I did see was more wanted posters of me with a higher bounty on my head I walked around the city some more before heading back into the woods. I kept following the same path that I always took but then I smelled blood I wasn't sure where the blood was coming from so I tried to follow the smell of it and when I did the smell became stronger. Once the smell of the blood became stronger I looked around to see what the cause was and I see a woman in the distance holding onto her left side as if she was stabbed by something or someone. I walked over to her and the woman said "please..... you've gotta help me......" I said, "I will take you to the hospital they can help you there". I picked her up and I opened up my wings, I flew up into the sky as fast as I could to get her to the hospital so that she can stop bleeding out once I saw the nearest hospital I covered my face so that they couldn't see me. I set her down at the front door and then I flew off, I watched her walk into the hospital and I flew to the mansion so that I could see what the others were up to. Once I have arrived at the mansion I saw that Smile dog was sitting on the couch with Jeff and Ginny cat was playing with a ball of yarn as for the others I assumed that they were off-killing making sure that no one else was trying to get in. I go to sit down in the chair and Slime dog comes over to smell my hands and stomach Jeff said "is everything okay? Smile dog what are you smelling her stomach for?" I said, "because there is blood on me". Jeff's eye's widened as if I got hurt while I was out doing whatever it is that I do Jeff said "you are bleeding!? we need to get you patched up" I said, "Jeff it's not mine". Jeff stopped and looked at me Jeff said "so you are okay?" I nodded my head and Jeff sighed in relief I said "but we do have a problem though" Jeff said, "what do you mean?". I showed him one of the posters that I took when I was in the city I said: "the bounty on my head is getting higher and I'm worried that if I stay here they will find you guys". Jeff said "I will let Slender know about this" I walked up to my room to either try to draw or write something to help get my mind off of the bounty and shortly after I was done with what I was doing I took another nap to let the time go by faster. I didn't know how much time had passed but when I woke up it was noon and I figured I'd get up to eat something and then head out on a walk with Smile dog and Eyeless Jack. After that, I practiced my knife throwing since I had so many of them might as well practice some more even though I needed to work on my spells so that I can control them better but also know how to use them. Time went by fast since I was keeping myself busy and I was hungry again so I went inside to go find myself something to eat again and took a break from everything that I did and relaxed on the couch with Grinny cat. Nighttime rolled in and I got ready for bed but I went on a short nightly walk since I haven't done it in a while and might as well do it one last time be for I went to bed for the rest of the night.

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