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-Monday morning


"I still don't understand this shit." I raised my hand

"Language." The teacher scolded

You can already guess what class I'm in. This calculus shit is going to be the death of me.

"My fault. I still don't understand this shit, ma'am." I rephrased myself

She rolled her eyes at me, going back to teaching.

Somebody need to give her ass some dick. I'm tired of her having a problem with me every time I come in this class.

"What's your grade in here?" I asked around the class

Most of them had D's and F's so asking them for help would be pointless, and I'd probably end up more confused than I am now.

I approached the one person that couldn't stand me and vice versa— Kyla.

I saw she had her headphones in, so I tapped her shoulder.

She mugged me, pulling them out of her ear "What?"

"You know this shit?" I showed her the problems

"I passed this class. I just come in here because I have a free block." she said "You ever noticed I don't have to do any work?"

"Nah, I guess I never really paid attention to that"

"You don't pay attention to a lot of things, huh? That's why you in this predicament now." She shook her head

"Would you stop all that fuckin' talking and help me?"

"Not with all that fuckin' attitude." She mocked my tone "Pay attention and you might learn something." She sat back, placing her headphones back in her ear.

"You got a lotta mouth for someone that punked out at the last minute." I whispered to her

"I didn't punk out" she rested her hand on my shoulder, whispering "I got my nut and left"

At the party on Saturday, after she told me to lock the door, she cleaned herself off, and left me hanging...literally. A nigga was standing there ready to fuck her brains out and she just left.

"That's foul"

"Don't act like it's foreign to you. I'm sure you've done it to a few girls." After she said that, the bell rung

"All niggas ain't the same." I tried to convince her

"Tuh" she chuckled, getting up from the desk "Meet me at the diner around 5, I'll help you with your work." She gathered her things and left out the class


"Welcome to Lilian's, can I start you off with something to drink?" I took out my notepad

"Out of all these drinks on the menu, I'd rather drink you" one of the boys said

I hate waiting people like this. It's a group full of immature, teenage boys.

"I'm the only one drinking her" I heard a familiar voice behind me. The voice had become familiar very fast and I hated it.

I pulled Mekai to the side "One, don't go around saying shit like that because it isn't true. Two, you're late, go have a seat and I'll be over there in a second." I said before going back to waiting my table

After I got their drink orders, Laura took over for the rest of my shift. I clocked out and went to the table where Mekai sat.

"Pull out your shit." I sat down

"Demanding aren't we?" He chuckled "I'll pull it out for you" he said, enforcing it negatively

"Look Mekai, hurry up, I don't have time to play. You were already late as hell, I shouldn't help you with shit."

"Girl stop bitchin'." he fanned me off

"No. You're the one that asked for help, the least you could've done is been on time. Matter of fact, my shift is over and I'm going home." I stood up

"Sit down" he grabbed my hand

I looked at him like he had 15 fucking heads. "You should know I don't like being grabbed by now."

"You don't scare me, darlin'. Sit the hell down" he still held onto my hand

"And you don't scare me." I pulled my hand out of his grasp "Wanna know what's scary? When you'll have to kiss all those scholarships goodbye because you can't pass calculus to graduate."

"Dumb bitch!"

"Nah, I'm a smart bitch. I passed calculus with flying colors." And with that I walked off, exiting the diner

I'm not going to help someone who won't help themselves.



"Stop yelling in my damn house!" She yelled from the kitchen

"But you just..." I thought about the lecture she'd give to make herself seem right "Never mind." I shook my head, tossing my book bag down

"How was school and practice?"  She closed the oven

"It was cool" I nodded

"You take your medicine this morning?"

"Yeah ma" I lied, tapping my foot

She gave me a look that read 'I don't believe you' all over her face.

"What?" I tried to avoid her staring

"I know you too well, Mekai." She started talking "You avoid eye contact when you're lying...just like your dad."

"I'm not like him, I can control myself!" I hate when she pulls this card

"Prove it." She said "Because if you don't take those pills, you're going to go away for a long time, just like him. Then you can kiss those scholarships, your popularity, and your entire life outside of Oakwood Institution goodbye"

I thought about it for a second before pulling out the pills "Alright ma" I opened it and took the two I hadn't taken earlier

"Lying ass" she hit me on the back of the head "Drink some water behind them" she walked out of the kitchen

After this, you're going to have to give more feedback for more chapters. I see a lot of reads already, but little votes and comments. So share this book, spread the word!

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-Carlisha 🖤

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