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Sunday morning


I pulled the towel around my body as I got out the shower. I felt a little better, but I was still very hungover from last night. Mekai went to get more eggs and bacon so I could cook and everyone else was still sleep.

As I dried off, I turned on the news seeing Olivia in cuffs and an orange jumpsuit, leaving a hospital. Her face was still messed up, I'm surprised she lived.

"Ms. Scott, why did you do it?" A reporter asked

"So she could see how it feels to lose a child." Olivia answered briefly

"What do you mean by that?"

"That's all...for now." She smirked before being put into the police car

"Shit" I paused the tv, pulling my semi wet curls in a bun

As I got dressed, my mind wandered with worry

She's going to tell

No she's not

And why not?


Exactly, she's going down and taking y'all with her. I knew this would come back and bite you in the ass.

"Good morning my lil ray of Sunshine." Mekai walked and kissed my cheek

"Baby, Olivia's going to tell that we killed Calvin." I blurted quickly

"Calm down." He took his jacket off "Why you say that? What's wrong?"

I pressed rewind then play, showing him the clip of Olivia leaving the hospital.

"Fuck..." he sighed, sitting down

"Kai she's gonna' say something, she has no reason not to."

"I know... We-"

Knocks at the door interrupted him

"Come in."

"Good morning love birds." She came in, hugging Kyla "How y'all sleep?"

"Good, how's the couch life treating you?"

"Horrible. We love y'all but I can't wait to get in my bed tomorrow night." She smiled "Anyway, y'all wanna go get food? I need something to help this hangover."

"I'm about to cook."

"Even better, I'll help."

"No!" Mekai and I said at the same time

"Oh y'all messed up."

"We love you but you know you can't cook, sis." I laughed

"At all." Mekai added "Can't even boil water."

"Dom told you about that?" She gasped

"Yup. Yo' ass need cooking classes." He replied

"Shut up." She laughed "Girl I put the water on the stove and forgot about it. I was tending to Arian though, he was crying."

"Not that damn long." Mekai laughed, making me laugh

As the laughing died down, I heard crying.

"That's Kacey." I said, about to go get her

"I got it." Mekai said

"Thanks baby."

"Prepumped milk in the fridge?" He asked

"Yeah, only enough for her though. I'll get Kas when he wakes up."

He exited the room, leaving Laura and I.

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