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"Mama, where you at?" Kyla walked into the house

"We out here on the patio" she responded

Joyce and Clinton decided to come to Sylvia's house to say their goodbyes to Kyla and their son.

Kyla and Mekai walked through the house, going to the back where the patio was. Laura and Dom were at their parents' house, saying their goodbyes.

"Y'all got everything packed?" Joyce asked

"Yeah ma" Mekai groaned, she had been on him about packing

"I'm just making sure. We ain't traveling to New York to bring nobody's belongings"

"Me neither" Sylvia added

"Ok" Mekai and Kyla said in unison

"Ky! Kai!" Camryn stopped playing with Joyce and Clinton's dog, running over to her sister

"Hey Cam Bam" Kyla hugged her

"Is it true y'all leaving today?"

"Yeah, lil mama" Mekai hugged her

"How long y'all gonna be gone for?"

"Four years all together, but we'll have holidays and breaks" Kyla explained

"Ok. I guess I can live with that" she sighed

"Aw. Are you gonna miss me?" Kyla asked

"No, I'm gonna miss Mekai" she said

"That's cold" she shook her head

"Just kidding" she smiled, hugging her big sister


"You want some more ribs?" Sylvia asked

"I'm fine" Kyla wiped her mouth after finished her food

"You sure? I don't wanna have too much leftovers."

"We'll be driving for almost two days, we'll take some on the road." she said

"I don't know why y'all didn't send your stuff there and catch a plane." She said

"We all agreed that a road trip would be like spending more quality time together." Kyla responded

"Y'all agreed to that. I don't wanna be in no car for two days." Mekai sat back in his chair

"Boy stop lying. You were the main one excited to pick out trailers" Kyla nudged him

"Only because I was promised something while we're in that trailer." He whispered in her ear, pecking behind it

"And what's that?" Sylvia asked, popping back up with some chocolate cake

"Oo, cake." Kyla changed the subject

"Mhm" her mom side eyed her with a chuckle "I ain't mad at ya. Show him the skills your mother blessed you with." She whispered to the two of them

"Ma" she groaned

"How big of a slice you want?" Sylvia smiled, changing the subject like her daughter just did

Mekai shook his head and laughed.


"I can't believe you're leaving me." Sylvia started as the walked the kids to the trailer

"Aw, mommy." Kyla hugged her mom

"I love you so much, sweet pea."

"I've always hated that nickname." she chuckled, pecking her mom's cheek "I love you too"

"You're gonna always be my sweet pea."

Not to far down from them, Mekai and his parents were saying their goodbyes.

"Make sure you take your medicine everyday." Joyce hugged him "And wear condoms, we don't want anymore scares."

We'll take the medicine, but I don't know about the whole condom thing. I might go even crazier.

Shut up, now isn't the time to be talking.

"I hear you" he chuckled

"Lil nigga" His dad started

"Old nigga." Mekai mocked his tone

They shared a small chuckle while hugging each other. "I love you, and I'm proud of you."

"I love you too"

A bunch of love was being shared, and it was truly beautiful. Once they said their goodbyes, and gave more hugs and kisses, they were off to pick up Dominic and Laura.


About three hours of them being on the road, Mekai had Kyla in the bed they shared on the trailer. They weren't doing anything sexual though, just laying skin to skin.

"You love me?" He asked, laying on her stomach

"Of course I do, what kinda' question is that?" she ran her fingers through his hair

"Just asking, Sunshine."

"You love me?" she asked

"You know I do." He looked up at her "I'll kill behind yo crazy ass."

"I'll kill behind yo crazy ass too"

"You better not be in there doing no trapping!" Dom knocked on their door

Mekai chuckled "Go away nigga"

"What's he talking about?" Kyla asked

"I told him I'm trying my best to get you knocked up. Not right now, but eventually."

"Oh.." Kyla cleared her throat, giving a forced chuckled

"I want a damn football team" she felt him smile against her stomach "A lil Mekai here, a lil Kyla there."

"Let's get some rest baby" she continued rubbing his short curls.

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-Carlisha ❤️

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