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- few days later

"Kyla Parker" the nurse called her back

"Kyla!" she heard Mekai's voice

She looked over and he was lightly jogging down the hall.

"You need somebody to go back there with you? Just for support, I won't overstep any boundaries."

Kyla thought about it for a second.

"I'm ok"

"You sure? I just came from taking mine." he was trying his best just to be around her longer

"...Come on." she noticed what he was doing


"Alright. The results will be sent to you in about a week. Is it still the same address?" The receptionist asked


"Yes" Mekai answered for her

"Ok, you all have a nice day" she smiled

"But I don't-"

"I'll call you when the results come in." Mekai said as they exited the building "But you have to unblock me"

He thinks he's slick

Aw, he's really trying. He looks like he hasn't slept in days.

He shouldn't sleep. You barely have

"Just tell Laura and she'll tell me. I gotta go" she quickly walked to her car

"Ky, please talk to me. I miss you..." he followed

"Mekai, I still need time." her voice cracked

"I feel like I'm dying without you." He stopped her, staring in her watery eyes "Please"

She stared at him for a little while, her nose turning red. "I...I can't do this right now" she shook her head, getting in the car

He stood there, watching her drive off. He felt tears run down his face and his heartbreak all over again.

Stop being a punk

Give it time...


"Kyla, you ok?" Laura came in the room

"Yeah..." she said, not looking up from her phone

"Ky..." Laura closed the bedroom door, noticing tears on her face

"I'm fine, seriously" Kyla wiped her face, sitting her phone down

As Laura sat beside her crying best friend, she saw that Kyla was in the room staring at a picture of herself and Mekai.

As Laura sat beside her crying best friend, she saw that Kyla was in the room staring at a picture of herself and Mekai

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"This is hard" Kyla broke down

"Aw, come here" Laura hugged her "You're hurting"

"I love him so much...but I can't be with him right now...possibly never again. Why does it have to be like this?"

This was new for Laura. She hadn't seen Kyla cry in years.

"Everything's gonna work out. I know you hate hearing that. But what's for you is for you, you'll see." they pulled away

"Yeah...I guess." she rolled her tear filled eyes

"I know what might make you feel better"



Deep inside, a piece of Kyla lit up with excitement. "Let's go" she wiped her face, grabbing her keys

-Carlisha ❤️

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