WAT 3| 95.

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-1 week later


"Baby, you gotta' eat something." Mekai said as he watched Kyla blankly stare at the food, wrapping her arms around herself "Ky..." he tried to get her attention

"It's been a week."

She finally said something besides "Love you too" for the first time all week. She hadn't been sleeping, eating, working, or talking at all.

"I know baby, we gone find them I promise you that."

"Kai, they could be anywhere...Whoever got them could have done anything to 'em. I-I can't take this." She stood up

"I know this shit hard." He stood up too, grabbing her wrist "But we gotta try to have faith, Ky."

"I'm trying, I'm-" she broke down crying, feeling like she was unable to breathe

He held her and she hugged back tightly, crying harder. Tears dropped from his eyes too as they stood there in each other's arms.

"It's gone' be ok, a'ight? I gotchu'." he said before picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom

He laid her down and scooted in beside her. After a while, she calmed down, feeling her eyes get heavy.

"God gave me kids just to take them away."

"Don't say that, God got our kids just like he got us." He rubbed her arm, pulling her closer

She stayed silent, closing her eyes and finally getting real rest. Mekai pecked her forehead and stared at the ceiling, praying his kids were alright.


The phone ringing made Kyla jump up from her sleep. She was in the bed alone, but heard the shower running so she knew where Mekai was. She picked up the phone, seeing it was a number she'd never seen, but answered anyway.

"Took you long enough." A female said

"Who the hell is this?"

"I'm offended Kyla" the woman chuckled "After all our encounters together. The park, the diner, my son's funeral- Oh, I forgot, you didn't come to that."

"Olivia" Kyla sat up

"How them beautiful babies doing?" She asked slyly

Just then, Kyla heard Kason crying in the background.

"If you touch them I swear I'll kill you." Her hands shook from anger

"Too late for that, love. I been feeding, clothing, and nurturing them like my very own...that you took from me, might I remind."

"Your son was fuckin' crazy. He deserved to die, you betta' give me my damn kids!"

"Well, when I did some research it seems your twins might have a touch of crazy too. The father ain't all the way there mentally. Do they deserve to die too?"

"Look, they ain't got shit to do with this. Give them back and take me."

"Too easy, I want you to suffer just like I did...maybe worse." She said before ending the call

Kyla jumped up and ran into the bathroom. Mekai was wrapping the towel around his lower half just as she came in.

"Olivia got the twins"

"Who's Olivia?" He asked in confusion

"Calvin's mom, she knows we killed him and she wants revenge. Kai, we gotta stop her." she got angry all over again the more she thought about it

He quickly grabbed his phone, dialing the private investigator. "It should be easy to get her location, go get the guns."

Kyla ran out the bathroom and went to all the hiding spots in the house, collecting guns.

"She Downton on Hilton Ave." Mekai slipped his shirt on


"This the spot, you got my back, I got yo' front."

"Ok." She said before tucking her gun and hopping out

They went up to the small house, going around the back. The back door was already unlocked, which seemed weird.

"Stay out here."

"What? Hell no" Kyla whispered

"Now ain't da' time to argue, just stay hea'." He whispered


Before Kyla could protest, he already went inside. She wanted to listen to what he said and stay outside, but didn't want to risk anything bad happening to him, so she went inside.

She walked inside the empty house, aiming her gun. Mekai was nowhere in sight, so she kept straight checking the trashy, dim lit front room.
It was empty in there, so she headed down the hallway, going in the first room. She kept her gun pointed, searching thoroughly for any sign of the twins, but found none.

"Told you to stay outside."

She jumped before turning around to Mekai.

"And I told you no." She said "Found anything yet?"

"I searched both rooms, it's empty."

Kyla placed her hand on her forehead "Maybe we got the wrong building."

"This where the phone call came from, Ky. He traced it twice."

"Maybe- I don't know" she took a big sigh

Just then, Kyla's phone rang. She answered, seeing it was another unsaved number, but figured it was Olivia.

Laughter rang throughout the empty room after Kyla put the phone on speaker "You really thought it'd be that easy?" Olivia's laughter died down "Dummy"

"Look bitch!-"

"No, you look...up in the right corner. You're on camera." She laughed "This is the room your twins were in, camera's for extra surveillance."

"Creepy ass bitch, I swear you gone regret this shit." Mekai's jaw clenched "You laughing now, but just wait."

"What you gone do? Kill me? Gotta' find me first." She said before hanging up

-Carlisha ❤️

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