WAT 2| 55.

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(The end of this chapter is straight 🔥, I'm corny. But read on...)


"You seen my grey and white shirt?" Mekai asked, coming into the bedroom

"Mm, nah. When's the last time you wore it?" Kyla put her earrings on

"Like two weeks ago, but I can't find it now" he buckled his belt

"I haven't seen it." she shrugged, making a mental note to buy him another shirt, seeing as the other one had blood in it that wouldn't come out

"I'll just wear this one" Mekai picked up a black shirt and slipped it on

"You look good in anything" she pecked his lips "But you look better in nothing at all"

"Likewise" he gripped her butt, pulling her closer to engage in a deep kiss

Kyla pulled away, smirking at him "What you doing?"

"Tryna fuck yo brains out before we leave for class" he mumbled, kissing down her neck

"Nooo" she chuckled, moving away from him

"Why not? I ain't had it in like three weeks, I'm finna reach a whole 'nother level of crazy, babe" he groaned, licking his lips

"I just haven't been feeling up to that lately. All we do is have sex, let's just enjoy each other without sex for a while"

Mekai side eyed her "You takin' drugs?"

"So I gotta be taking drugs to just wanna enjoy my man?" Kyla laughed

"I'm just making sure, because you know you love me being inside you as much as I love being there myself, and that's a lot" he still held her by the waist

"I'm sure. Now come on, we gotta leave for school"

"I gotta go handle a problem with some lotion real quick" he headed for the bathroom

"Don't use my-"

"Too late" Mekai grabbed her lotion bottle

She rolled her eyes before heading out the bedroom


"Mama, I'm fine" Kyla answered Sylvia

"What about the court dates? You going to any of them?"

"Do I have to?" she asked, not wanting to see Eddie's face

"You don't have to, but it'd definitely make a huge difference if you were there to testify yourself" she explained

"Then I'll be there. When are they again?" She said without any hesitation this time

Kyla sent Mekai a text, letting him know that she wanted him to go out of town with her.

"Great, they start tomorrow. I know that's kind of soon, but you pushed things off for a long time. You can catch a flight out here around 3"

"Ok, Mekai said he'd come to" Kyla read Mekai's text aloud

"Good, good. How are things with you and Mekai?"

"Things are good, we've been great."

"Didn't I tell you he'd be fine about the no kids thing? That boy loves you, I'm so glad you told him"

Kyla stayed quiet, walking to the cafe on campus.

"You did tell him, didn't you?"

"Yeah, of course" she lied "Ma', I gotta go, I'm about to order my food"

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