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* Monday morning

"Ass been MIA the whole weekend

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"Ass been MIA the whole weekend. What you been up to?" Dominic asked me between classes

"Chillin" I simply replied

"That's crazy, Laura said Kyla was MIA the whole weekend too." He squinted "So y'all was chillin' together?"

"Chill man" I chuckled

"Yo ass beatin' round the bush. I'm yo boy, tell me wassup. I know y'all been feeling each other for a minute now"

"We-" I spotted Kyla talking to Calvin at her locker "Hol' up" I closed my locker and walked over to them

"Wassup baby girl" I gripped her ass and planted a kiss on her lips

"So this why you don't wanna deal with me anymore?" Calvin asked her "Because you fucking with this nigga?"

"I always looked at you as a friend" she responded

I laughed a little "Damn, that's cold"

"Kai" she glared at me

"Aight, aight"

"So you never had no intentions of being with me?" He asked

"You're just not my type" she shrugged "We can still be friends"

"No y'all can't" I butted in again

"I'm cool...fuck you, bye" he started walking off

I didn't like his choice of words towards her "Aye nigga you-"

"Calm down" she grabbed my hoodie "Don't stress it" she pulled me to her and placed a kiss on my lips. She only meant for it to be a sweet and simple peck, but I had other plans

I backed her against the locker, resting my hands on her hips. "No PDA" one of the teachers walked by.

"I gotta get to my first block" she said after pulling away "And so do you"

"I know" I groaned in annoyance "See you"

"Wait" she pecked my lips a few more times before walking off

I watched her hips switch as she made her way through the crowded hall.

"So y'all together now or what?" Dominic walked over to me


"We're just gong with the flow of things." I sat my books on the table

"If that's what you want me to believe" Laura pulled her chair out

"Why wouldn't you believe it?"

"Because that kiss looked like it held a little bit more meaning to it. I saw it all" she pointed her pencil at me "Keeping all these secrets from me"

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