WAT 2| 77.

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-1 week and some days later

"Excuse me, I think you forgot to put grades in" Kyla was at the Professor's desk once again

"What do you mean?"

"My grade in this class is two points away from a F. That can't be right."

"Let me go check." He typed in the password to his computer, creating silence between them as he searched up Kyla's grade

"Ah, I see." He nodded

"You do?"

"Yeah, everything seems correct." He plastered a smile

"No, I think there's some type of mix up, I should have a 100 A. I haven't missed any assignments."

"You know what, I might have graded you wrong." He stood up, walking around the desk

"No, I know you graded me wrong." Kyla was getting fed up with his games

"Meet with me for dinner tonight and we can discuss it." He took her hand in his

Her initial reaction was to snatch it away, but she thought of an even better idea.

"Ok." she caressed the inside of his hand with the tips of her fingers "Tonight at what time?"

"7, my place. I'll send you the address, what's your number?" He was getting excited just by her touch

She proceeded to tell him her number, eager to get home to Mekai.

"See you later beautiful."

Kyla played along, blushing like the school girl she was.


Kyla told Mekai what happened in class today, and he wasted no time putting a plan into action.

"You look so good." she stared at him through the mirror

Kyla rubbed against him a little, teasing.

"Stop before I fuck you." He reached up and grabbed her throat.

She smiled, placing her hand over top of his, making him squeeze harder. Then she turned around, facing him

"We about to go handle business and you being nasty." He smiled at her

"The thought of you handling business, has me dripping wet." She said softly in his ear while running her moist tongue up his neck

"What time y'all meeting again?" He gripped her butt firmly through her dress

"7" she flicked his earlobe with her tongue

He checked the clock. 6:15pm


Within a few minutes, she was on the sink with her dress lifted up, and Mekai between her legs, stroking.


"Hey" Kyla walked in the Professor's house

"You look beautiful." He stared at her like she was a piece of meat

"Thank you Professor."

"Call me Devin."

"Uh...ok Devin." she chuckled lightly

"Come on" he took her hand, leading her to the kitchen

"You have a lovely home." she looked around a little

"Thank you. Dinner will just be a few more minutes. Wine?"


"Red or white?" He took two wine glasses out

"Any kind is fine."

Devin decided on the red, figuring it'd go more with the dinner he had planned.

"So...about my grade." Kyla started, watching him as he poured her drink

"Let's not talk about that right now. We'll talk about it later." he handed her a wine glass

"You're right, we should just enjoy each other's company." she smiled

Devin nodded. Kyla took a sip, sitting her glass down.

The timer dinged, signaling the food was done.

"I gotta get the food. Can you take my drink to the dining room?" he asked

"Sure. Which way?" She grabbed his wine glass

"Down the hall, first room to the right." he said while opening the oven

Kyla took the wine glasses and bottle down the hall to the dining room. While she was in there, she refilled the drinks, making sure to pour some GHB into his. She got herself situated and waited for him to come in.

"Dinner is served." He sat the food down in front of her

"Wow, it looks...delicious" she lied through her teeth

The chicken was basically still bleeding, the rice wasn't done, and the rolls were burnt. The only thing that looked decent were the greens.

"I'd like to propose a toast." She wasn't putting any of that food in her mouth. "To this lovely dinner."

They're glasses clinked and Devin drunk half of his.

Too easy

Right, he'll be out in no time.

"So Kyla" he placed his hand on her thigh, caressing it.

"Yes?" As much as she wanted to move him, she had to play along

"What are you willing to do to save your grade?" He got closer to her

She stayed quiet for a few seconds "Where's your bathroom?"

He sighed and moved his hand "Down the hall, make a left, and it's the first door to your right."

"Ok." she got up and went down the hall.

When she reached the bathroom, she locked the door and pulled the prepaid phone out of her bra. They got those just in case something went down and somebody tried to check their real phones for evidence.

She sent Mekai a text to his phone, letting him know he could come in. After that, she put the phone in her bra, washed her hands, put on some more lip stick, then headed back down the hall.

When she got back, Devin laid nose deep in his dinner plate. Kyla scoffed, sitting down and taking another sip of her wine.

"Damn, he out cold." Mekai came in dressed in all black

"Yup. You ready?" she pulled her supplies that she needed from out of her purse

"Come on baby." he pecked her lips before they both headed over to Devin.

-Carlisha ❤️

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