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-some days later

"Mekai, come to my office as soon as you get to campus, I want to discuss your future on this team."

Mekai stopped the voicemail, locking his phone and laying on the other side of the bed. He smelled the Kyla's old pillow, just wanting to get some sort of connection to her.

It's your fault, you know that right?


So stop moping and get up. We gotta go see about our future.

I don't wanna get up

You get to see Kyla in the halls.

Mekai sat up, remembering that Kyla did have classes today. He looked down at his wrist, seeing all the cuts he did from the night before. Dried up blood was all over his wrist and bed.

Of course he missed Kyla, she was and still is his world. He wasn't in his right mind when he went over there the other day. He was skipping days on his pills and things weren't too pretty when that happened.
He didn't mean to officially end things with her, his anger just got the best of him. He was more so disappointed in himself because he thought he was doing well.

He knew better than to even try and talk to Kyla, he already felt that she'd look at him with those eyes. The eyes of disappointment and hurt, everything being all his fault. He couldn't bare it.

But what he didn't know was, Kyla was going through similar emotions.

"You got a class in like an hour, right?" Laura popped her head in the guest bedroom

"I'll go tomorrow" Kyla said without lifting her head from under the covers

She hadn't been outside the room since the other day. She'd shower, drink a glass of water, then go back to sleep.

"This is strange, I don't know how to offer advice to you."

"Good, I don't want it."

"I take it back, get yo ass up." Laura pulled the covers off

"I love you like a sister, please stop testing me." Kyla pulled the covers back over her head

"This ain't a test, but I think you got one at school today. Get up" she pulled them off again

"Laura" she straight faced her

"Kyla" Laura mocked "All this energy you using on me, use it in school. I know you going through a heartbreak, but I can't stand by and do nothing. I see you losing yourself."

"I'm not losing myself...I just need some time to regroup, I'll pull myself together." Kyla said, pulling the covers back over her head

"Fine." Laura lifted the other side of the covers up, getting in the bed beside Kyla

"What you doing?"

"Going through your suffering with you."

Kyla appreciated Laura wanting to support her, even though she didn't know the full reason behind Kyla needing to regroup. Laura only knew about one of Kyla's miscarriages like everyone else.

"Laura you-"

"I don't wanna hear it, let's cry together. Want some food?"

"No." A small smile appeared on Kyla's face as her best friend got comfortable beside her

"You don't have to talk, we can just sit here."

"Thank you"

"No problem." Laura returned the smile


After about an hour of laying down, Kyla got motivated to go to school. She was now walking through the halls. She missed her first class, but was in time for her second block.

 She missed her first class, but was in time for her second block

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"Hey, I didn't see you in class for like three days. You ok?" Professor Edwards approached her

"I didn't feel good. I'll be there today."

"Alright, see you after this block." he smiled at her

Kyla felt someone staring at her, she looked out the corner of her eye and saw Mekai. He was leaning against the wall, burning a whole in her face.

"See you" Kyla smiled at her Professor

She looked at Mekai, feeling all kinds of emotions. Nervousness, sadness, excitement, and anger.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, feeling stuck. He gave her a glare before walking off.

Kyla took a deep breath, heading to her class.


In the middle of her chemistry class, Kyla had free time. She was scrolling through Instagram, waiting for the next assignment. She saw a picture Mekai had posted

@kaiandrews: I can guarantee he ain't doing my ex right

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@kaiandrews: I can guarantee he ain't doing my ex right. It don't get no betta! ❤️

Kyla felt her insides jump at the post. She hadn't even been talking to other niggas, but seeing Mekai in just a towel was making her hot. She knew he was posting it because he saw her in the hall talking to her professor. He probably figured she was flirting.

"Care to share what's so interesting in that phone?" her professor asked

"Sorry Professor Jackson" Kyla put her phone up, crossing her legs tighter

How was everyone's Thanksgiving?

-Carlisha 🥶

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