WAT 2|51.

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-1 week later

"Baby, wake up" Kyla tapped Mekai

"Hm?" He groaned

"My first class starts at 10, I'm about to leave."

He yawned and stretched, fully opening his eyes "Mine starts at 11:30, I'm 'bouta get up"

"I love you, daddy" she pecked his forehead

"I love you too, baby. Have a good first day"

"You too" she said before walking out of the bedroom.

While Kyla was grabbing her items she needed for the day, Mekai was grabbing his items for his shower.


As Kyla approached the campus, she talked on the phone with Laura.

"So you on your way to a class now too?" she asked

"Yeah, computer science."

"I got my major first too, it's business."

"You wanna meet up for lunch? I don't have any classes from twelve to two"

"Yeah, but I'll be a little late, my class ends at 12:15"

"Ok, I'll let you know the place."

"You and Dominic have a good first day" Kyla said

"You're being kind. Did Mekai give you some dick this morning?"

"Last night. But anyway, I'm near the building. I gotta go"

"Have a good first day, nasty" Laura said before hanging up

Kyla walked through the halls, getting a first look at everything and taking it all in. She felt headassish for feeling mushy about the situation. But instead of pushing the feeling aside, she kept her smile on her face as she made it through the halls.

She was walking straight ahead, being polite as she slid pass people. She was nearing her class, but was cut off when someone bumped into her.

"Damn, excuse you" the girl scoffed

"You're in Bridget's way" the girl beside 'Bridget' said

"Bridget can suck a-" Kyla stopped herself, knowing the damage her words would do to this prissy ass girl

"Miss Parker, how are you?" Professor Edwards walked over to Kyla

"I'm fine Professor, on my way to your class right now." She smiled

"I see, you can join me on the walk there" he offered

"That sounds like a good idea" she walked pass Bridget and her friend, giving them her signature mug

As her and Professor Edwards walked down the hall, he whispered to her.

"I saw you about to erupt like a volcano back there" he gave a hearty chuckle

"I had it under control, sir" she chuckled

"Don't be bothered by Bridget, she's been like that since freshman year. She's the senior editor for our school newspaper"

"She doesn't bother me." Kyla chuckled

"That's good. Ladies first" he opened the door to the classroom

"Thank you" Kyla nodded


"Is that my baby?" Kyla asked from the kitchen

"Yeah, it's daddy" Mekai said back to her, closing the front door

"Hey babe, how was your first day?" she came and greeted him, wearing his t-shirt, with a cup of Hennessy in her hand

"I'll tell you about it later, tell me about yours first" he took the cup from her

"It was great. My first professor is so helpful, I don't have to go way to the other side to get to my classes, and Laura paid for my lunch" she named all the things that made her smile today

"That's good babe, I'm glad you had a good first day." He chuckled at how cute she was

"You don't look like your was too good. Wassup?" she asked, walking into the kitchen

"It's like nobody is worried about me getting an education. They talked to me almost all day about football" he leaned on the counter, watching Kyla tend to the scampi

"You're worried, your parents are worried, our friends, and especially me. Long as you got us behind you, you'll be fine." She took a sip from her wine glass

"I appreciate that, Sunshine" he came behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist

"Mhm. 'Cus if you fuck up, I'm kicking that ass" she turned in his arms and pecked his lips

"I heard you" he nodded, kissing her back "I could get used to coming home to this"

"Well not on Thursdays and Sundays. I get home after you." she reminded

"And on those days you'll come home to food, a drink of your choice, and whatever else you need. I'll even give you dick if you want it" he kissed behind her ear, running his hands up her thigh

"Seems like you tryna' give it to me now" she chuckled, turning the stovetop off

"After dinner I am." He gripped her ass before walking off to set the table

"I'm glad you said that, 'cus I'm fuckin' starving" began making their plates


"What you thinkin' about, ma?" Mekai asked as a naked, half sleep Kyla laid on his chest

"Nothing, it's hard to think while you're still inside me." She felt her eyes getting heavy

"Want me to pull out?" He asked

"No" she quickly said

He laughed at her "Ok."

"I'm proud of you." Kyla said after things got quiet

"For what?" He asked in confusion

"Everything you've overcome. How you're changing, but still manage to be that crazy motherfucka' I fell in love with."

"I couldn't have done none of it without you." He rubbed her back "I'd be back in Oakwood if I didn't have you."

"Well you ain't never going back there. You got me forever." she pecked his chest with her eyes closed

"I love you" they said in unison

Shortly after, they were sleep, with him still inside of her, laying skin to skin. Sharing a strong connection even as they slept.

This is just a boring chapter, a start of their college lives...for now 😉

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-Carlisha ❤️

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