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You're going to lose it all, watch

No I'm not, stop it, go away

You can't ignore me, Mekai...Hell, I'm you

I can and I will

You really think everything is going to be ok? Your world is going to come crumbling down.

Stop it, please

Take your medicine

I don't need it

Yes you do, or else you're going to end up like your father

Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it!

"Get out of my head!!" Mekai sat up, crying his eyes out

He looked around his room and began rocking back and forth. He tried his best to not take his medication, he didn't want to be labeled as a freak. But now, it was taking a toll on him. Thank goodness he chose to not sleep at the cabin with Kyla tonight, he didn't want her to witness his episode.

She's going to leave you if she finds out how crazy you are, no questions asked.

"Shut the hell up" he threw his trophy at the wall "Shut up!"

"Mekai?" His mom came into his room with a glass of water "...You ok?" She asked, knowing he wasn't

"Make it stop" he cried

"Sweetheart, I need you to take your pills" she said

"I don't need those pills, I'm strong, I-"

"Please take them, it'll help" she grabbed his pill bottle from off the dresser

"Mom" her son looked at her with tear filled eyes

"I know baby, I know" she handed him his two prescribed pills and a glass of water

He looked at them before taking them and drinking the water after.

Weak bitch

He cried himself to sleep, laying his head on his mother's lap. She stayed there the entire night, holding her child as he slept. The pills wouldn't fully help, especially since he had been missing weeks at a time, but she'd hoped they'd do a little something.



"Babe, wake up" I tapped Mekai. He's been falling asleep all class

"I'm up" his eyes shot open

His eyes were still halfway closed and he had bags. "Drink some of my water" I handed it to him

"I don't want no water" he pushed it away

"Come on, it'll help wake you up a little"

"I said no!" He shouted

Everyone in the class looked at us "Everything ok?" The teacher asked

"Yeah, sorry. He's just really passionate about learning this new stuff" I awkwardly chuckled

"Can I go to the bathroom?" He raised his hand

"Sure, take the pass" The teacher said

"You want me to-" he got up from the desk and walked out before I could finish "Ok..."


"What you doing here?" Mekai asked, noticing that Kyla was sitting on the bleachers during his practice

"I came to check on you, you didn't really seem like you were ok in school today" she said "And you didn't go to lunch so I bought you-"

"I did go to lunch, I just sat with Lena instead of you"

"Oh...alright" Kyla nodded, biting her bottom lip, trying to contain herself.

"Anything else?" He asked "Can't you see I'm busy?"

That was the last straw for her, she drew her fist back and sent a hard punch to his nose. "That's all" she said before walking off

Ooo's and damn's could be heard from his teammates as they all watched everything play out.

"Y'all gonna stand around and watch Andrew's have relationship problems or play some damn football?" The coach asked

The team scattered back onto the field, finishing the play they were doing. "Go clean yourself up" he said to Mekai, who had a bloody nose


Once Kyla got home, she blocked and deleted Mekai's contact from her phone. She was tired of his up and down attitude, and him having lunch with Lena was the icing on the shitty cake.

"Kyla you- What's wrong?" Her mom sat beside her on the bed

"Nothing, I'm fine" She shook her head, wiping her tears

"No you're not, I haven't seen you cry since you were like 12. Tell me what's wrong."

"Just regular relationship stuff, no biggie" she shrugged

"Well if that regular relationship stuff is making you cry, it must be pretty bad."

"I don't really wanna talk about it" Kyla said

"I'm not gonna force you to talk, but I will say this. Whatever's going on, always do what you feel is right, even if it's a little selfish at times."

"...Thank you mama" she hugged her, needing those words

"You ain't pregnant though, are you?" Her mom joked

"No" she laughed

"Just making sure, doing my motherly duty" Her mom stood up "You gonna be ok, sweet pea?"

"Ew, what kind of nickname is that?"

"Girl" she smacked her lips "You gonna be ok?"

"Yeah ma" she smiled "I'm gonna be alright"

"Ok, don't forget that I'm always here to talk and help"

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-Carlisha 🤠

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