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"Guess who" someone's hands covered my eyes

"Somebody who's about to get the shit knocked out of them if they don't move their hands" I said

"Damn girl, I was trying to be romantic" Calvin moved his hands

"I'm just kidding" I chuckled "Walk me to class?" I closed my locker

"Sure" He said "You busy this weekend?"

"No, this is the first weekend I've been free in a while"

"Wanna go out?"

"Where?" I asked

"It's a surprise for now"

"I don't like surprises" I shook my head

"You'll like it, I promise" we approached my class

"Mhm. Thanks for walking me to class"

"Can I have a hug?" He asked

I gave him a side hug and went in the classroom

"Hey" I said to Mekai as I sat down

He ignored me

"You ok?" I asked, touching his arm

"Don't fucking touch me" he said through gritted teeth

I stared at his face a few seconds, seeing his jaw continuously clench.

"Fine, punk ass" I grumbled, getting up and moving to another table

Fuck is his problem?



"Where's your head at?!" Coach yelled at me

I breathed heavily, sitting on the ground. Don't nobody feel like arguing with his ass today.

"You wait until your senior year to start acting like an ass on the field."

"Get out my face man" I chuckled in annoyance, shaking my head

"Pull it together Andrews. I don't care how good of a player you are, I'll kick your ass off this team"

"You not stupid" I took a swig from my water bottle

"That's it, you're suspended. Get off my field" he grabbed his clipboard

"Your loss" I shrugged, getting in his face "Enjoy all those Ls you finna take"

He stared back at me "Goodbye Andrews"

"Good luck on the game tonight!" I announced to the team as I made my way to the locker room

After collecting all my equipment, I made my way to my car. On the way there, I saw Kyla leaving out of the library.

"Aye" I walked over to her

She looked at me, rolled her eyes, and continued walking. I finally caught up with her and grabbed her arm.

"I know you heard me"

"You ignore me, I ignore you." She shrugged, trying to get out of my grasp

"Whatever. What you doing at the school so late?"

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