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- 2 days later

"Welcome home baby" Mekai carried Kyla across the threshold

"Aw baby" she saw the 'Welcome Home' balloons Mekai had set up in the living room

"It's just something small" he shrugged, carrying her up the stairs

Even though she protested about him carrying her, he did it anyway.

"I appreciate it anyway" she pecked his lips after he laid her on the bed "I'd appreciate it even more if you gave me some dick" she pulled him closer by his shirt

She missed him sexually. As she sat up, her hands slid further down.

"Baby no, I'm not tryna' hurt you" he moved her traveling hands

"Kai, the doctor said everything is fine" she sighed, sexually frustrated

"Nah, I wanna wait until I'm sure. Aight?" he said

"Fine, ok" she rolled her eyes

"Gimme kiss" he grabbed her face with one hand

"No, it's just gonna make me horny" she mumbled, moving his hand

"Aw, don't be like that ma'." He pecked her forehead "I'll be in them guts sooner than la-"

A fumbling noise came from downstairs, making Kyla jump a little. Mekai knew exactly what it was though.

"Bae what's-"

"Oh, it's somebody here fixing my lights." He lied "Start getting ready, baby girl" he said before heading out of the room

After heading downstairs to the basement, Mekai was beating on Jas

"I'll kill you if you do that again" he spoke between punches

"I accidentally fell. I'm sorry" she cried

"You think I'm dumb?" he kicked her "Don't do that shit again"

"I'm sorry!!" She cried

Mekai finally had enough of hitting her and stopped. He spat on her, then got up walking away.

He locked the doors to his basement. Then headed up the stairs. He walked in the bathroom where Kyla was currently showering.

She peeked her head from the side of the shower door. Checking to make sure it was Ky

"Yeah baby?" He asked her

"Just making sure it was you. Why you sweating?" she chuckled

"I was helping the man with the lights and shit" he lied again

"Oh." she shrugged "Come shower with me" she smirked

"Just a shower" he returned the smirk, taking his shirt off


"Happy birthday, Cam!" Kyla cheered along with everyone after her little sister blew her candles out

"What'd you wish for?" she asked Cam

"I wished for-" she looked over her sister's head "Daddy!" she smiled, getting up and running to Eddie

"I wished for-" she looked over her sister's head "Daddy!" she smiled, getting up and running to Eddie

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Everyone turned with a shocked expression on their faces.

"Mama, I know you didn't invite him" Kyla said

"I-I didn't" Sylvia was as shocked "Eddie! You need to leave" she walked over to him, snatching Cam from him

"Mama stop!" Little Camryn cried

"Mekai get her" Kyla whispered to him

Mekai walked over and picked up Camryn, taking her in the house, along with everyone else- except Kyla.

"I don't know what the hell makes you think you can show your damn face here! Thought I told you not to come back?" Kyla walked over to him as fast as she could.

"I just wanted to-"

He didn't get another word out before a hard punch was sent to his nose.

"Get the fuck out!" Kyla screamed "Get out!"

She began hitting on him as best as she could while balancing herself.

"Get out Eddie!" Sylvia yelled

Mekai and Dominic came back outside, hearing all the commotion. Mekai grabbed Kyla, while Dom grabbed Sylvia

"You betta' leave befo' I deal wit' yo ass! And you ain't gone leave here alive!" Mekai yelled

"Calm yo ass down! You hitting me now" he said to Kyla, grabbing her fists

"He raped me!" she shouted "While I was in a coma, he raped me!" she began crying out

Mekai took off running behind Eddie, Dominic went off running after Mekai.

Sylvia ran over to her daughter, holding her as she slid down the side of the house, crying.

"Mama, he ruined my chances to have kids." She cried on her mother's shoulder

"What?" she asked

"Please don't tell Mekai. I don't want him to know. He's gonna hate me even more than he does for losing our first baby."

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry" she cried along with her child "He's not gonna hate you. He doesn't hate you"

"Please mama"

"I'll give you your time to tell him" she nodded, holding her daughter, and rubbing her back

"And he's the one who did the hit and run" Kyla told it all, all that she had been holding in


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-Carlisha ❤️

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