WAT 2| 66.

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- Saturday (3 weeks later)

"Hey, welcome to Joe's, how may I help you?" The waitress asked

"I'll take a wat- Mekai" Kyla mumbled, making eye contact with Mekai who was sitting on the other side of the restaurant

"Excuse me ma'am?" She asked

"A water...with extra ice" she smiled. "And chicken Parmesan for my meal." Then handed her the folder

"Hey, you ok?" Professor Edwards asked

"I'm cool. Uhm...I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a second" she felt Mekai's eyes on her

"Ok" he smiled, patting her thigh, resting his hand there for a few.

She gave a quick smile before getting up and heading for the bathroom. Kyla could still feel Mekai's cold eyes on her with every step she took. She ignored it as best as she could while walking pass his table.

Once she reached the bathroom, she took a few deep breaths, feeling relieved. 

"Get it together." Kyla gave herself a pep talk, dabbing a damp napkin on her face "Yeah. You can do this...I think" she threw the napkin away and headed for the door

As she was on her way out, he was on his way in.

"You can't be in here" she immediately said

"How you been? Long time no see" he backed her into the family bathroom, locking the door in the process

"Stop baby- I mean Mekai. You need to let me out"

"Or what? Yo lil boyfriend gone beat me up?" He laughed, towering over her "Girl, you funny" he cornered her in

"He's not my boyfriend. He's just a-"

"Friend? That's not what he seems to think. I see the way he touching yo' leg and shit."

"He's my professor"

"Oh that's the professor that's been flirting with yo ass?" He got closer to her

"Kai move" she said sternly

"Move me, Sunshine" he said before attaching his plump lips to her neck

Kyla gripped his shoulder, seeing as how he found her weak spot. His kisses turned into sucks as he reached under her dress and ripped her thong off.

"A friend huh? You wear these with friends?" He grumbled in her ear, nibbling on it a little

"No-No...I-I-I. Mmm fuck" She was a mess while his hands worked between her thighs

He massaged her clit with one hand, letting his mouth leave licks, sucks, and kisses on her neck.

"You like playing games, huh?" He asked huskily in her ear

"I-I'm not, I'm not" She breathed out, trying to move his hand

He moved her hand off of his and went right back to rubbing her soaked center.

"You haven't talked to me in three weeks. You moved most of your shit out, so you really done with me?"

"You told me to move my stuff out"

"You know I ain't mean it, I was just tryna make you mad"

That was true. Mekai didn't mean any of the harsh things he said towards her. He was just so frustrated with not having her that he didn't know how to deal with it. Besides, he had been skipping more days on his pills than ever before.

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