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-1 week later

Kyla exited the courthouse, seeing Mekai leaning against the car.

"What you doing here?" she asked

"I needed to be here to support you, so I came." he handed her some roses "I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me" Mekai felt the guilt in his heart staring into her eyes

"I shouldn't have sprung it on you a day before."

"No, I should've been more responsible. Forgive me?"

"It's fine." she hugged him "I'm just glad you're here, I feel like I'm dying in there"

"It's ok baby, I'm here." he held her tight "How you doing Ms. Sylvia?"

"I'm doing alright. You?" she smiled at how her little girl softened up around Mekai

Mekai nodded in response, pecking Kyla's forehead "You done here for the day?" He asked, referring to court

"Yeah, did you bring your cabin key? I forgot mine" she asked

"Yeah. You wanna go there?"

"Just for a little while, I need to relieve some stress" she whispered the last part

Kyla had so much frustration built up, she was hoping he could help her release it.

"No problem baby." he nodded, opening the car door for her "Where's Cam?"

"At your mom's house. We can see her after" Kyla said while getting into the car "I'll be over later, mama"

"Alright sweetheart" Sylvia said to her

Mekai got in and they drove off, headed to their old house.


Kyla and Mekai sat on the living room floor of the half decorated cabin. She had on his t-shirt and her panties, while Mekai wore his boxers.

"Aw, I miss this place" Kyla took a long drag from the blunt as they sat in the middle of the thick carpet covered floor

"We do gotta lot of memories here, huh?" Mekai did the same with his own blunt, inhaling long

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure we've fucked in every single room." Kyla laughed, putting out her roach and lighting another one

"We have, but we haven't done it on the floors yet." Mekai licked his lips, blowing smoke

"What you waiting for?" she used her free hand to push her hair behind her ears

"Ky, I'm probably higher than I've ever been right now. You sure you tryna fuck?"

"I'm more than sure" she straddled his lap as he put his blunt out "I want it"

Mekai hissed as she started sucking on his neck, rocking on his member. They were high, so things were more sensitive and intense.

He took the blunt from her hand and put it out "You gone get it, beli' 'dat" he gripped her ass, feeling her wetness drench through her underwear

"Stop talkin' shit and give it to me then" she whispered in his ear, moving her own panties to the side

Normally by now, Mekai would've been solid as a rock. But guilt was eating him alive, it was distracting him from getting an erection. All he could think about was how bad he fucked up.

"Lemme taste it first" he tapped her thigh, signaling for her to get up

He was buying himself time to get hard. He knew for certain he was turned on, he was with the love of his life. The thought of Kyla could turn him on, but he just couldn't get an erection.

Kyla stood up, sliding her underwear off. "Come take a seat" he laid flat on his back

"What a beautiful seat it is" she eagerly placed her kitty on her man's mouth

Once Mekai started licking, Kyla felt the need to jump up.

"Mm-mm" he shook his head, putting his arms around her thighs and devouring her


"You sleepy?" Mekai chuckled, coming from between Kyla's trembling thighs

His face was drenched with her juices.

Her face was a light shade of red, she couldn't speak so she nodded.

"Get you some rest baby, you've had a long day" he pecked her lips

She sucked on his bottom lip as they pulled away, getting an extra taste of herself. "What about you?"

"I'm cool. I'll handle it myself" by now he was hard, but he still couldn't bring himself to have sex with her knowing he had cheated

"You sure?"

"I'm sure baby, go to sleep" he got up, going to the bathroom

He went in there and placed his hands on the sink, staring in the mirror

Look at that, you can't even get it up because of your guilt. Tell her

Nigga, you crazy? She gone leave yo ass, we ain't even got her pregnant yet. I'm tryna trap her in some typa' way

Shut up, tell her. She has a right to know, she tells you everything, good and bad.

So? That doesn't mean we have to do the same

Yes it does, tell her.

Get it up, go out there, and fuck her walk up for a couple days- weeks even.

Almost in an instant, Mekai got an erection. One that needed to be quickly taken care of. He walked out of the bathroom and back over to Kyla, she was laying down sleeping on her side.

Mekai slid behind her, reaching in front of her, and slipping his hand between her thighs. Considering the fact that Kyla just went to sleep, she woke back up easily.

"What you do-ooo babyyy" she moaned as he slipped a finger in

"You feel like throwing it back?" He whispered in her ear, licking on her neck

"Yes daddy" she gripped his arm

"Get in position then" he lightly bit her neck, making her bit her bottom lip

Kyla created that perfect arch that Mekai loved so much. He teased her clit, rubbing it between her slippery folds.

"You love me?" he asked sliding the tip in and pulling it back out

"Yesss" she rolled her hips, grinding against him

"Yes what?"

"Yes daddy, I love youuuu" Kyla dug her nails into the sheets as Mekai thrusted into her.

They made sweet love all night long, Mekai sort of felt like he was apologizing by having sex with her. Because in the back of his mind, he was still debating whether to tell her he cheated or not.

-Carlisha ❤️

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