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The night before, Kyla purposely got Dominic to keep Mekai out late so she could pretend to be mad the next day.

"Good morning baby" Mekai came in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Kyla from behind

He didn't really care about his birthday, all he wanted was some love from his fiancé, but she was about to take him by surprise.

"Excuse me" she brushed pass him, grabbing a fork and sitting down

"Where my food?" he asked

"You can ask whoever's house you stayed over to make you breakfast." she poured herself some orange juice and sat down with her meal

"Baby, I told you I was at Dom's house. We played the game, smoked, ate, and I accidentally fell asleep. Call Laura and ask"

"I talked to Laura already. She said y'all left out at one point." Being mad at him for no reason was kind of hard

"We went to get fuckin' groceries for her to cook!" He raised his voice a little, getting irritated

"Whateva'. It's some yogurt in the fridge if you hungry." she began eating her food

Mekai sucked his teeth "I know what the hell I was doing. I thought you was learning to trust me again."

She shrugged, not knowing what else to say. She wanted to hug him and give him all his presents now.

"Man, love you. See you later" he left out the kitchen, grabbing his gym bag for practice

"Love you too" she said back, chuckling quietly


"Mekai!" The new coach yelled

Mekai sighed, getting ready to have to defend himself. He was used to arguing with all of his coaches


"Good job out there" the old assistant coach, who was now the new head coach, complimented him


"We all know who the real ball player is." Ron walked onto the field

"Apparently not you, you're still suspended. What you doing h-"

"Relax. I'm just here for support." He interrupted the coach "Bridgett, come here!"

Bridgett walked on the field, she didn't have anything covering her face. In fact, it looked like she had just gotten surgery.

"Coach, I suggest you get her from around me." Mekai said, clenching his jaw a little

"We're just here to watch...it's for the weekly newspaper." She shrugged, smirking "How you been Mekai?"

"Bitch don't speak to me." he walked back over to his teammates

"Let's do that play over again" he said, grabbing the football


"Man, she been mad at me all day, I didn't even do shit." Mekai explained to Dom as they drove to the club

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