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-2 weeks later

Mekai had finally shipped Jas off to Mexico, and now it's moving day!

"Baby, you not gone help?" Mekai asked a sluggish Kyla

"I am helping. I moved that lamp" she opened a bottle of water

"Ky, come on. We the only ones moving stuff" Laura smacked her teeth

"My leg hurt y'all" she lied

"It wasn't hurting the other day. Get yo ass up" Laura hit her with a pillow

"I need motivation" she shrugged

"Kyla!" she smacked her teeth

"Uggh" she groaned, getting up "What y'all need help with?"

"I got something for you to take. It's back here, come on" Mekai led her down the hall to the bathroom

"Everything's been moved al-" Kyla heard the bathroom door lock

"You need motivation? I'ma give it to you" Mekai was sliding his sweats down

"Ooo" Kyla got so excited, she was about to sit herself on the countertop

"Nah, turn around" Mekai instructed

She slid her shorts and panties completely off, facing the mirror.

Mekai stared at her perfect ass, biting his lip and rubbing his semi erect member. Kyla was already soaking and they hadn't even started yet, just the sight of Mekai had her throbbing.

"You look so damn good" she stared at him through the mirror

"Shut the fuck up" he bent her over

"You-Oooo" her sentence was cut short as she felt him rubbing himself on her clit

"They right down the hall. Be quiet" he said before sliding inside of her

He was about to go against what he said, feeling her warmness clench him. He bit down on his lip to keep quiet. Kyla was having just as hard a time as he was. She hadn't felt him inside of her in a while, she missed it.


"Mmm!" Kyla moaned, letting her head rest on the sink

"Nah. Look at me fuck you" he grumbled in her ear, pulling her hair so she could look in the mirror

"Kai...!" Her orgasm was nearing

"I'm daddy when I'm in this. Hear me?" He thrusted faster, feeling his release approach as well

"Yesss daddy, yesss"

They were supposed to be quiet, but somewhere in between, those rules went out the window.

"Is that it baby?..." Mekai grunted "I feel it"

"Yeeaaah" she whimpered, feeling her legs become wobbly

All the strength she was losing, he gained. He held her up, slowing his strokes. They stared at each other in the mirror, the feeling of their release becoming even more intense.

"Fuuuck!" She gasped, releasing all over him

Following close behind, Mekai placed his face in the crook of her neck, shooting his seed into her.

They stayed like that for a few seconds. Sharing a sloppy kiss.

"You ready to help move now?" He asked while sliding out of her

"Yes daddy" she moaned


"Aren't you guys excited about moving day?" A now cheery Kyla was helping move boxes

"Mhm. I see you got a lil spring in your step, y'all nasty asses" Laura nudged her

"We weren't trying to be loud, but..." she shrugged, finishing off her sentence

A smiled appeared on her face as she picked up a box.

Outside, Mekai and Dominic were loading the trucks.

"That nigga got some pussy and turned into a new man. Out here lifting extra heavy shit" Dom joked

"No bullshit." Mekai chuckled

"You gone get her pregnant again soon, watch."

"I'm trying to, shit." A smile appeared on his face as he thought about her with a little belly

"What if that ain't what she want?"

"I'm trapping her ass sooner or later. She gone be stuck with me for life regardless" He halfway joked

"What y'all talking about?" Kyla and Laura bought more boxes out

"Nigga shit" he shrugged, taking the box from her, pecking her lips in the process

"Those were the last two" she said

"Damn. Really?"

"Yep. After today, this won't be our home anymore" she sighed

"We can stay here when we visit" he wrapped his arms around her from behind

"Yeah. We gotta lotta memories here"

"And we bouta go make plenty more" he placed kisses on her neck

She smiled "Let's go say goodbye to our parents"

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-Carlisha ❤️

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