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-Monday morning

"You excited about coming back to school?" Kyla asked Mekai as he parked

"Honest answer?"

"If you ever lied to me, I'd snip your balls off and fry them" she shrugged, making her point and giving him his answer

"I'm nervous.."

"Why babe?"

"I haven't been to an actual school in 4 months. In the institution, it was a one on one teacher. What if people ask questions and shit? I don't want nobody to get the idea that I'm fuckin' crazy" On the inside, Mekai's mind was racing 1,000 miles a minute

"Kai, breathe" she placed her hand in his "First of all, fuck them people, point blank. Secondly, if anybody try to talk slick and act like they're big shit, male or female, I'll beat their ass"

"You a lil thug now?" He chuckled at her choice of words

"For you I'll be anything" and she meant that "Except for a hoe"

"Come here man" he chuckled, kissing her

The kiss got heated a little quicker than expected. In a short time, the bulge in his pants became very noticeable. Kyla reached over and started undoing his zipper, thank goodness his windows are tinted.

"You foreal?" He asked, watching her with excitement

She nodded, pulling him out of his jeans "We can be a little late to class" her lips kissed the tip, then teased it a little with her tongue before taking as much of him as possible in her mouth

"Yoooo, I know my eyes gotta be playing tricks on me" Dominic squinted as Mekai and Kyla approached him in the hall "Is that Mekai Andrews?"

"Wassup nigga" Him and Mekai dapped each other up

"How you been?" Dominic asked

"I been good. How you?"

"You know I'm always good. But let's talk about how you went MIA without any type of warning. Had everybody worried and shit"

"Yeah, I needed to clear my mind a bit, too much was going on. But I'm back and better now" Mekai said "How was the season?"

"Uhm..." Dominic didn't want to ruin the moment, but he had some news for Mekai

Kyla decided to give them some alone time "I'm gonna go get on Laura's nerves. I'll see y'all at lunch"

"A'ight baby" they pecked each other's lips then she headed down the hall

"Coach gave me your position..." Dominic trailed off


"I didn't want to take it, but you were gone and I couldn't let the whole team take a L"

"So you took my spot?" Mekai asked

"You just up and left, I couldn't pass up the offer. If you mad, ain't no reason to be" he said truthfully

"Who said I was mad?" Mekai chuckled "I'm proud of yo ass!" He playfully roughed him up

"Coach said some colleges still want you. All you gotta do is let him know that you back" he explained

"I'll do that, good lookin' out bro"

Throughout the day, things went good. People were excited to see Mekai, he talked to his coach, and he had an overall great first day back.


"Alright babe, I need you to go hide" I said to Mekai

"I'm telling y'all, my mama don't play that surprise shit. She'll fuck all y'all up, then y'all gonna be the surprised ones" he explained, getting up from the couch

"Boy, just hide" Laura smacked her teeth

"Joyce here yet?" my mom came from upstairs

Someone knocked on the door

"That's her" I looked around and made sure everything and everyone was situated

I took a deep breath before opening the door "I came over as soon as you said it was regarding Mekai" she rushed in

"Yeah, have a seat" I closed the door

"Hey y'all" she greeted "What y'all doing here?" She asked Laura and Dominic as she sat down

"Mekai's special to them too" I stood beside the closet

"Oh God" she sighed "Please don't tell me my baby's dead"

"He's not dead, but..." I trailed off, pretending to have bad news

"Then what is it Kyla?" Joyce rushed her to continue talking

"He's...He's home" I smiled, opening the closet door

"Kai!" she ran and hugged him "I missed you so much" she cried

"I missed you too" his smile never left his face

Seeing them both happy was so wonderful and beautiful to watch.

This chapter ain't shit

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Y'all pray for me. It just feels like I have a 250 pound midget on my uterus, and that lil motherfucka' got a knife. 😭

-Carlisha 🤳🏾

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