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DM? DM him? What? What? What?

Jungwoo was currently losing his damn mind. This was a dream. This definitely was a dream. He set his phone down carefully, as if it'd blow up in his face like reality usually did and got off the couch. Stepping away from the phone on the cushions, Jungwoo paced the living room a few minutes before dashing back to his phone to check if the comment had disappeared. To see if it was him being the delusional horny fuck he often was.

reallucas.wong: DM me?

Nope. It was still there. Jungwoo blinked twice and saw replies underneath Lucas's comment.

----: that's right drag him😤

----: Lucas😍

----: I'm sorry you had to see this bby :(

----: beat his sorry ass Lucas!!!

Yes, please, beat my ass. Jungwoo thought to himself as he read that comment. The mental image already forming into his mind in a vivid picture. Jungwoo started to stare off into space as he imagined the lewd things Lucas would do to him. He'd have to take care of himself later if his train of thought had continued any longer but the images were erased the minute he felt something hit him upside the head harshly. Not hard enough to wound him but hard enough to annoy him.

Jungwoo turned on the couch to be met with two curious eyes that were familiar. Jungwoo scoffed and turned back to his phone. Ten stood there and laughed under his breath at the cute annoyed frown gracing Jungwoo's features.

"Why are you back so early?" Jungwoo asked after a few minutes of silence, rubbing the spot where Ten had smacked him, Ten walked away from the college student on the couch to the bar they had that connected to the living room, dining room and kitchen nicely. He strolled past the bar and reached the fridge before opening the metal door and fishing out a water bottle. Now that Jungwoo saw clearer, the Thai boy was sweating through his tee and joggers, his black cap with rings on the tongue were rattling as Ten gulped down the water he had taken out of the fridge.

Ten had a red flannel tied around his waist and he wore a tank top with tacky drawings on the front that showed his thin but tight arms.

"I finished early, that's all." Ten swallowed the last gulp of his water and returned it to it's spot in the fridge. Jungwoo, having lost interest in his roommate, turned back to his phone and began to read through the countless replies once more.

Ten walked back to where Jungwoo sat and peered over his shoulder to Jungwoo's screen. He frowned and snatched the device from Jungwoo's delicate fingers.

"Hey!" Jungwoo exclaimed, with his hands empty and Ten reading what was on the screen, stepping back as Jungwoo stepped forward to take the phone away from him, and he did. But Ten had already finished reading most of the comments and his caption. It was obvious. He had a confused look with a twinkle of amusement in his almond eyes.

"That model you never stop talking about wants you to DM him?" Ten chuckled. Jungwoo rolled his eyes before turning back and shutting off his phone, keeping it to his side with a firm grip.

"So?" Jungwoo replied, not looking at Ten, now back in his original seat on the couch. Ten was heard stifling a laugh as he walked in front of Jungwoo who was doing a good job at not looking at him in the face.

"The model that you want to pound you in the ass?" Ten asked, Jungwoo's neck snapped, his wide eyes finally meeting Ten's face that had a mischievous smile.

"You read my diary?" Jungwoo asked, offended, disgust evident in his voice.

"It's the fact that you're 20 and have a diary that should be disturbing you." Ten laughed, Jungwoo pouted as he trailed his eyes away from the Thai boy. Ten walked to the other side of the couch and sat next to Jungwoo, who switched hands in which he held his phone, afraid that Ten would get his gay ass all up on it again. Ten rolled his eyes and held out his hand. "Let me help you get laid with a model." Ten replied with a smile.

Jungwoo looked at him oddly. Ten was really good when it came to getting someone in bed. Jungwoo could've sworen that Ten had even gotten Yuta into bed once, before he moved in and before Yuta started dating Sicheng. And Yuta was a hard gay nut to crack. He wouldn't sleep with just anyone. Jungwoo gulped and stared at the innocent smile on Ten's face.

If he really wanted to get laid. He'd have to trust Ten, cause his gay ass sure as hell couldn't do it himself.

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