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Jungwoo sighed and leaned back, a familiar plastic jar held in his arms. Jungwoo watched as Xuxi, the name he had secretly given the nameless cat, ate slowly. It had been hours since he got wot work, but the art student wanted to desperately check the time on the safely tucked phone in his pocket. He didn't have to though, just by peering up at the setting sky he could easily tell his shift was coming to an end. Jungwoo sighed into the air that was turning chilly.

He couldn't wait to go home. He couldn't wait to fall back into Yukhei's arms. It was a new emotions in Jungwoo's chest. The feeling, this feeling. The feeling so deeply embedded in his ribcage of wanting and maybe even needing one person so bad. It surprised him, the more he thought of it. It was so weird how little time the two needed for them to feel so strongly for each other. Sure, Jungwoo was nowhere near being utterly in love with Yukhei but the fondness and sweetness was there. Jungwoo had never felt such a pull, he tried not to let it scare him too much.

Instead, the art student stepped back, putting distance between him and the still eating cat. He bent down and let the plastic jar in his arms land on the cement sidewalk. It made an ugly scratching noise that only Jungwoo winced at and Xuxi ignored. Once securely on the ground, Jungwoo reached down near it for the lid he had left there. His finger tips grasped onto the plastic of it and lifted it off the sidewalk. It took him approximately a few seconds to screw the lid on successfully.

He let his mind wander some more. From the chest bearing thoughts of Yukhei and his presence to the lack of a certain teen. Taeyong had taken a decently long time explaining story behind everything. Jungwoo almost missed the sting at his back that Donghyuck had created.

It was weird how much of an imprint Donghyuck had made on him. Even if he had only really known him for a day, in the back of Jungwoo's mind, he couldnt help but have endless questions regarding the other.

Even though Taeyong had explained the majority of the situation, there was something he left unsaid. Through the roller coaster of his story telling, Taeyong had held his tongue regarding the current whereabouts of Donghyuck. Truthfully, Taeyong wasn't sure himself. Donghyuck hadn't been home for a couple of days now. While Taeyong was more than just sick with worry, he kept it to himself.

Telling his gang to be on the look out for the sun kissed teen of course but other than that, he was quiet. So quiet that Jungwoo didn't even know either. Through the new information the art student had swallowed, he had forgotten to ask the most important question. Where Donghyuck was. But now, with the sky to himself and the silence of the empty road hitting him, that question resurfaced.

And just as it made it's appearance so did the feeling of his phone in his pocket. It buzzed briefly. Jungwoo frowned and went back to a steady standing position before reaching in the pocket of his apron to fish out his phone. Once the device was in his grasp, he unlocked it and checked his notifications. There it was. It was an email from none other than his art professor. Jungwoo swallowed thickly. It must've been about the project from last week.

The art student found it odd to be recieving an email from Mr. Wu, he was going to see him the next day. Nonetheless, Jungwoo clicked on the notification and opened up the email app to see what was said.

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