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"Jungwoo!" Taeyong was heard calling. Jungwoo scrambled with the stack of boxes at his chest as he let his limbs take him to where Taeyong's soft vocals emerged from. Jungwoo had made it to the front counter in seconds. It also only took seconds for him to feel Donghyuck's gaze sting at his back as he faced their manager behind the boxes. The art student found himself ignoring the lasers that admitted from Donghyuck's deceivingly soft eyes as he peered past the boxes he held closely.

Peeking past, Jungwoo was met with the manager's warm smile that complimented his sharply handsome features. The maroon headed male cleared his throat and loosened his smile before parting his lips and lifting his tongue to speak again, "could you please help me with something outside? One of my errands was bringing in some groceries."

Jungwoo bit at his lip to keep himself from showing an overly enthusiastic grin. The art student nodded hurriedly and Taeyong chuckled as he watched Jungwoo frantically move to set the empty boxes down on the counter with a quiet protesting Donghyuck behind it.

Now with the card board shielding him from the younger's blood stopping glare, Jungwoo further let his grin show to Taeyong who gestured for the taller to follow him as he hurried to the front to leave. Jungwoo following close behind him.

Taeyong had held the glass door open for Jungwoo and the art student gave the other a small nod of gratitude. Once Jungwoo had completely stepped out from behind the door, Taeyong released it and let the door swing shut with a still Jungwoo only a few steps from the door way. The taller shifted on his footing as nervousness shuttered through his veins. He dragged his palms on his jeans to rid them of his anxious sweat as Taeyong approached a vechile.

On the side of the pavement was a parked two door car. The paint had been scratched off on some sides of the vechile and rust was beginning to bleed through on the hood. Jungwoo swallowed as his eyes followed Taeyong who had walked off to the back of the car where he had left the trunk open. Jungwoo watched as he lifted hood of it open. Taeyong's brows frowning in concentration as he looked through the back.

Jungwoo stood there, with his back to the entrance. The long glass walls and the space of feet in between his back and Donghyuck's eyes lessened the sting of his glare that Jungwoo knew he was getting stabbed with. Even behind all the advertisements plastered.

Jungwoo's heart was thumping his ears. He had no idea why he was nervous with Taeyong. He just didn't want to make a fool out of himself in front of him. The minute Jungwoo had encountered the other he had automatically received Jungwoo's respect. Just by the manner in which he carried himself was admirable.

Taeyong peeked to where Jungwoo stood and let a warm smile fall on his lips, his eyes twinkled as his pearly teeth showed. Once more, Taeyong raised his hand a gestured the other to come forward. Jungwoo jolted at the sudden smile and softness of it before he nodded hurriedly and scampered to Taeyong's side, wiping his palms on his jeans again.

Now standing beside the other Jungwoo had a clear view of what was inside the trunk. Jungwoo felt his heart stop and his mind cloud. Confusion drowned him.

"What is-" Jungwoo began at the sight.

"Cat food." Taeyong answered his unfinished question. Jungwoo shut his mouth, his brows creased and he turned to Taeyong who was already looking at him from his side.

"Yeah, I know what cat food is. But why do you have so many big bags of it." Jungwoo huffed, shifting back to the mountains of branded bags of cat food that had been shoved into all the available space of the car's trunk. Taeyong cleared his throat, Jungwoo glanced at him to see the shorter scratching the back of his neck as he stared off at the bags.

"Well.. there's this stray cat that comes by a lot." Taeyong began, Jungwoo still eyeing his manager. "And she gets really, really hungry." Jungwoo tilted his head, his puzzled frown deepened and he placed his hands on his hips. His eyes drew themselves back, so now they were both equally staring at the bags decorated with pictures of cats, facts and ingredients.

"Just call a pound? I'm pretty sure they take cats." Jungwoo voiced. Taeyong was heard gasping beside him, Jungwoo's eyes widened at the dramatic sound and faced Taeyong who had his mouth ajar and his expression painted with utter hurt. Jungwoo panicked but didn't say word.

"That's unfair!" Taeyong exclaimed, a frowned etched his unrealistic features and he crossed his arms. Jungwoo's mouth opened and close. He couldn't find the right words. Had what he said been wrong? "She was here first. Plus," Taeyong clicked his tongue. "She keeps the rats away." Jungwoo blinked a couple of times. His face had been drained of color from Taeyong's unnecessary reaction.

Taeyong lifted his arms and stretched, Jungwoo took a step back to let Taeyong free his limbs before the shorter let his palms meet at his torso with a loud clap.

"Any who," Taeyong sighed as he reached forward for one of the bags. It was almost twice his size. He gripped at the plastic and easily lifted the bag up, the grains of food inside moved and it sounded like falling pebbles. Jungwoo stood back, speechless. "Starting tomorrow, you're in charge of feeding her each time you come in the morning and each time you leave at night." Taeyong grinned, and with his free hand he pointed behind Jungwoo.

Jungwoo turned on his heels to see where his index finger had been pointing at to be met with a large metal bowl with smudged away cartoon dog bones on the sides. It was a dog bowl. Originally for a large dog. Large scary dogs, one would assume. But instead, his new manager was making him refill it twice a day for the neighborhood's stray cat.

I am SO sorry this is a day late. School is starting in two days and I was so busy yesterday that I didn't have time to sit down and publish :( but here you guys go!!

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