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"You're much shorter than I thought you'd be." Lucas concluded, Jungwoo scoffed from beside him before nudging the model in the chest playfully with his elbow. Jungwoo glanced at the taller. Lucas was smirking at Jungwoo's weak attempt. The two had just gotten finished with their drinks at the cozy cafe, and like Jungwoo had promised the other, he was letting him drag him around to where ever it was Lucas wanted.

They strolled beside each other on the sidewalk only a few blocks away from the cafe. The street was quiet. There were only a few people near, some were wearing gym clothes, jogging around with ear buds plugging their ears and others simply walking their dogs. The sun was beaming down on the joggers, their toned skin letting out beads of sweat and the furry dogs sticking out their tongues as they panted happily while Lucas Wong was right beside him. Jungwoo found the name rolling off his tongue.

"Lucas, you ass. I'm not even that much shorter than you." Jungwoo remarked lightheartedly, an impish smile hinting at his lips again. Lucas grinned dumbly, but didn't respond, underneath the face mask he had pulled up before they left the cafe, but he didn't say anything, only enjoyed the silence that fell over them. Jungwoo shyly peered up at the taller again to see droplets of sweat dripping down his temple, the tips of his dirty blonde fringe gathered together in the sweat that collected from above his eyebrows. "Aren't you hot?" Jungwoo asked. Lucas glanced at Jungwoo briefly, his damp eyebrows cocked with a smile peeking the corner of his eyes as he swayed in a walk beside the shorter. Obviously shifting his weight to his right knee more often than not. Jungwoo wanted to comment, but didn't.

"Hotter than dick." Lucas replied nonchalantly in the muffle of his mask but nonetheless making Jungwoo choke on air at his odd depiction of heat. Right after Jungwoo's choked oxygen intake, he burst into a rambunctious laughter, Lucas eyeing him with a glint of satisfaction in the brown of his round eyes. "I measure the temperature in dick." Lucas reasoned with a little shrug, sending Jungwoo in a spiral of uncontrollable giggles again.

It was dumb. It really was. But Jungwoo was laughing wholeheartedly like the time he had watched Yuta lose his cool in front of Sicheng, all flustered. The Osaka man was always so put together that seeing him become a stuttering mess in front of Sicheng really grinded Jungwoo's gears. But this time he was laughing out of the love sickness he wouldn't admit to himself fully just yet.

"You're so dumb." Jungwoo finished his cackle with that phrase. This whole time the two still letting their limbs go, Jungwoo subconsciously following Lucas' lead since he was the one wanting to show him something.

"You'd be surprised to see my grades." Lucas prompted pridefully, Jungwoo smiled at him, his eyes shining as he looked beside him. The taller taking good steps forward, his palms shoved in the heating pockets of his hoodie.

"From Highschool?" Jungwoo questioned grinning at the small flock of birds that flew above them before hiding in a near tree.

"Nope, I'm taking online courses for college." Lucas answered smugly. He really was proud. Jungwoo was becoming more interested, his heart drumming whenever he spotted Lucas' smile he knew the model wore under the mask, the wrinkles under his eyes making it obvious.

"What do you major in?" Jungwoo continued to press at the subject, but not that neither of them minded. The two were wondering to what seemed like nowhere.

"Engineering." This time the grin must've been so wide because the art student could see the twinkle of interest in Lucas' eyes. Jungwoo was surprised to hear the answer. Lucas didn't really seem the type to be majoring in such a complex subject. Jungwoo would've thought he majored in something along the lines of sports or maybe even photography. Lucas peeked at Jungwoo to see the unexpectance in his expression. His own twinkle seemed to die a little inside his eyes, blending with the brown.

"I wasn't expecting that." Jungwoo stated truthfully, turning to stare at the sidewalk as they passed more doors of small shops.

"Most people don't." Lucas laughed, but it sounded bitter. Jungwoo frowned. "To a lot of people, I'm just a pretty face, ya know?" Lucas asked. Even though it came out as a question, it didn't really sound like he wanted an answer. Jungwoo felt his heart weigh at the atmosphere of defeat that radiated from Lucas' seemingly usually happy self. Jungwoo walked closer and decided, without much thought, to slip his hand into the pocket of Lucas' hoodie, taking a hold of Lucas' slightly clammy palm. Jungwoo didn't really care at this point. His heart buzzing. He hated the way Lucas' eyes dimmed at those words that slipped his mouth.

Neither of them stopped walking and Lucas didn't look at Jungwoo, but only tightened his grip on Jungwoo's hand. The shorter moved his palm in the hoodie pocket and laced their fingers together. Lucas could be heard letting out a soft chuckle and Jungwoo grinned at the sweet sound.

Lucas squeezed Jungwoo's grip in his hoodie as they made a turn and stood by the crossing, waiting for electrical sign to to flicker green for them to walk to the other side of the street where the other sidewalk was. The street was practically empty, only one or two cars passed by before the red hand switched to a profile of a stick figure walking in green. Jungwoo's brows creased as Lucas dragged him cross the street. Hurried now, their palms collecting with sweat but neither of them bothered to let each other go.

Once they made to the other side Lucas had furthered their fast paced walk down the new sidewalk. Jungwoo's eyes flying past signs of different stores, this time reading the names, Kim's Shoes. Bakery Bread. Passing by all of them. The 5th sign from an establishment came into view but this time Lucas slowed down. The sign was large and dangling with vibrant coloring. Green Arcade.

When they finally reached it, Lucas stopped in front of the door and with his free hand, he pulled it out of his hoodie's pocket and opened the door. The cool air escaped the door way as the chimes and songs of the arcade games sang in the distance. The refreshing air invited the rather hot art student. Jungwoo felt like laughing again in endearment. Lucas was really taking his ass to an Arcade. Instead, Jungwoo smiled teasingly before entering, having Lucas follow behind him, their hands still molded into each other's. Jungwoo glanced at the model in a giddy way to find Lucas was grinning again. Jungwoo could tell.

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