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That night, Jungwoo had been left to walk home by himself. After a sudden new discovery, at least on Jungwoo's part, silence had shortly after dawned on the two. Donghyuck's eyes seemed to tremble has he thought and glanced around. The teen had taken a deep breath before he trotted over to the Jungwoo's belongings on the ground. Donghyuck then proceeded to kick some around, with Jungwoo yelling in protest of course.

Soon, after the items were now more scattered, Donghyuck had ran off in fast speed. The bottom of his sneakers skidding across the cement as he turned the corner of a building before disappearing behind it.

That was approximately about 20 minutes ago. Jungwoo had quickly gathered all of his belongings and stuffed them in his bag mindlessly. He didn't have time to think of what belonged where in his bag though. The sun was almost gone behind the other side of the earth and he still didnt know the way home.

And now it had been approximately 16 minutes since the art student had checked his phone only to find it with it's battery life drained. Jungwoo was alone. Jungwoo turned the corner he watched the teen get swallowed by on his hot feet but only found himself knowing less of where he was. Jungwoo futher walked down another sidewalk to only reach a space in between two establishments that had long closed.

The chilly night air nipped uncomfortably at his skin and he felt a shiver run along his back. Jungwoo looked around the corner of a tall brick building to see a hollow and erie alley way haunting him with it's soundless walls.

The street lights then flickered on seconds later, causing Jungwoo to glance back to the long light pole only a feet away from him in a small jump. Jungwoo sighed and felt his heart thunder before he peered back down the alley way only to have the hairs on his arms stand on their ends.

The art student gasped back and felt himself lose his footing at the sight of the crouched down and shadowed figure that leaned against one of the brick walls. Gravity took a hold of the artstudent and with an embarrassing thump, he found himself on the ground.
Jungwoo was on his ass, the second time that day.

He stared bug wided as he managed to get a better look at the figure to see it's glowing eyes moving slowly to meet his. Jungwoo felt his own throat grow dry. Neither of them moved for a second. Jungwoo felt his lips were numb, his heart was so heavy that he couldn't even stand. Fear and adrenaline rushed like wildfire did in a forest through Jungwoo's tight veins.

The art student heard the rustling of movements from the alley where the shadowed figure was. He couldn't see what was being moved, the only good the nasty blue tinted street lights did was light up the others eyes that pierced through Jungwoo's being.

There was more rustling then a snap and Jungwoo felt himself have the energy to frown in confusion. Something was lighting up. Jungwoo squinted. It was a lighter. The person in the alley held a lighter in their palms. Jungwoo watched as they brought the lighter up to their face where a cigarette was held in between their lips.

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