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Laying on his back as he twisted and turned on his mattress is where Jungwoo found himself at 3 in the morning. He felt anxiety eat at him, the room was dimly lit by the moonlight's soft rays that bled through the window.

The Korean grunted into the fabric of his pillow, now that he had twisted and turned to lay on his stomach. He further proceeded to smother himself with the plushness. He was lucky he didn't have any classes that Monday. The art student wasn't too surprised that it was hard for his body to find rest, what he hated more than anything was to be alone. Jungwoo forced himself to swallow the dryness that stung in his throat as he breathed in the warm air through his pillow.

Anxiety didn't stop itself from running cold through his veins. Frustration expanded in between his ribs. Jungwoo felt tears well up at his eyes seamlessly. The art student gritted his teeth to keep the sobs in his dry throat at bay. He blinked them away into the fabric the smushed up at his face before he lifted his head, and sniffled to make sure his nose wasn't running. If he wasn't going to sleep the least he could do was do something productive instead of bawling his eyes out.

Jungwoo began to lift himself from his bed, sitting up on the mattress with his legs crossed underneath him, he wiped his face harshly for any stray tears. He wanted so badly call Yukhei, but he knew that the model had a packed schedule next week. He knew he'd only be of disturbance so he kept his phone an arms length away on carpet near his bed.

It was ironically funny to him, just when they had gotten together and actually exchanged real phone numbers, the timing of all of this was perfect.

Jungwoo huffed, letting his hands now fall at his lap from all the intense rubbing of his face. His cheeks probably damp with smeared and dried tears, his skin blotchy from the rashy touches. Productive. Jungwoo thought, there in the dark. He could clean the sink? Jungwoo shook his head to himself. That was too risky, Yukhei might've been right.

The weird noises had only died down from the metal pipes down the drain but never really came to a stop. There really could be something living down there. And Jungwoo wasn't so brave that morning to go and find out so he thought of another productive thing to do.

Had he taken out the trash? Jungwoo's brows raised, thinking hard and retracing his steps from earlier. He hadn't. Jungwoo then shrugged his shoulders to no one but himself in the dark room and reached over to the side of the mattress where he had plugged in a small desk lamp and switched on the dollar store contraption.

The room now lighting up with an ugly color. Some clothes were on top of boxes and some boxes were untouched. Jungwoo thought to himself that after taking out the trash he would most definitely fix up his new closet since he didn't have the time when his boyfriend was there.

All he wanted to then was give Yukhei all his attention. It was still weird calling him his boyfriend, it made sense, they had only started dating less than 48 hours ago. Even if they had been talking for more than 2 weeks now, the oddness of the whole thing hadn't seem to wear off just yet.

Kim Jungwoo really had the model Wong Yukhei to call his boyfriend. Jungwoo didn't wanna think about it too much, he knew his mind would wander and only fuel his anxiety once it started feeding into his negative thoughts.

Jungwoo lifted himself off the mattress from his sitting position. Letting his feet land on the carpeted floor. His toes curled on the hard floor before he continued his hurried walk to his door. When he finally reached the knob he turned it and opened the noisy thing on it's hinges.

He slipped behind the door and out of his bedroom to the hollow and rather dark hallway ahead of him, the scratchy noises faint from the kitchen echoed through the walls.

Jungwoo felt a shiver thread up his spine, the air vents now making a noise too, indicating the air conditioning had just turned on. Jungwoo gulped and let his arms fall at his sides, his shoulders drawn up to his neck tightly as he skittishly felt up the walls for the light switch of the hallway.

His fingers luckily didn't take too long skimming over the patchy white walls before they came in contact with the plastic base of the switch. Jungwoo flipped the small and less then sturdy lever and watched the hallway lights lazily flicker on, the space now a sickening yellow color from the long lights on the ceiling.

Jungwoo ignored the little voices in the back of his mind that told him to fuck it and scamper back to the safety of his room. This was his apartment now, he had to get used to it. He even made a mental note to buy light saving lamps so he could have the lights on at all times, if he were to have the lights on all night long that'd hike up his bills and Jungwoo couldn't have that, even if he was starting his full time shift at the convenience store.

All of this was only temporary. One day he'd focus on his art and will be able to sell just as much as he wanted. Jungwoo was beginning to feel this sense of responsibility. And that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

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