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junguwu: omg

gaylegend: we don't text in AGES and this is how you greet me??

gaylegend: hmm

junguwu: no no shut up

junguwu: this is fucking wild

junguwu: how am I gonna tell Yukhei when I get home

gaylegend: hold on hold on

gaylegend: boy toy at your place??? Since when???

gaylegend: you don't tell me shit-

gaylegend: so how have y'all been

junguwu: I just texted him

junguwu: and he left me on read

gaylegend: that's cute

gaylegend: but what was the omg for

junguwu: fuck omg

junguwu: so remember that gang I was talking about???

gaylegend: yeth

junguwu: Taeyong, my manager, he's-

gaylegend: he's???

junguwu: hestheleaderofthatgang

gaylegend: ....

gaylegend: HES WHAT NOW


junguwu: THERES MORE

gaylegend: 👂👂👂

junguwu: so when I first started work 3 days ago there was this little brat named Donghyuck who hated my guts for no reason. It turns out, he HAD a reason. Approximately 8 months ago this city over got busted for this big ass drug trafficking thing and so the gangs and stoners that were there and were able to flee the scene, spread out. And most of them made it here. Taeyong is the leader and Jaehyun, another member, is second in command. They've all been cautious and are highkey fighting with the stoners for this place, like the government gave up on this town a long time ago. The reason Donghyuck hated me was because he thought I was one of those stoners.

gaylegend: OKAY GO ON

junguwu: SO it turns out Donghyuck and his three best friends since childhood, Jeno and Jaemin were caught up in this mess. The way Donghyuck and his buddies are even linked with Taeyong's gang is because Donghyuck's grandma took care of Taeyong as a child while his mother worked to feed them. So obviously they're close. Donghyuck is practically Taeyong's little brother. But anyway, back about 4 months ago Jeno's family went into deep debt. So deep that both of his parents had to work 2 jobs and even that wasn't working. So Jeno took matters into his own hands. He had somehow found himself associated with the stoners. He was trying to make money by selling drugs. And that's what he did for weeks. Until the cops found their hide out and they were all arrested. Including Jeno. So Jeno is in juvenile prison as we speak.

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