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The two walked side by side to the foyer with boxes occupying their arms so they could move them to the open and waiting truck outside. Beforehand, Jungwoo spent around 15 minutes in the bathroom trying to cover up the hickeys left at his neck with the make up from that one time he tried drag and failed. Jungwoo had managed to decently hide the marks but his head had been too busy filled with thoughts of Lucas, or his boyfriend. After the confession the model and the art student had decided to keep their hands strictly off each other until every box that belonged to Jungwoo was on that uhaul truck, ready to be driven to his new apartment. So as said, they had put their asses to it, already having most of the boxes settled in the metal storage on wheels. 

"Yeah, um by the way, I knew from the beginning that you called me an ugly ass noodle head." Lucas chuckled sheepishly beside him. Jungwoo froze in the foyer. "I'm actually really decent in Korean so it wasn't that hard to piece together the slang. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you more." Lucas stopped his steps and turned to face Jungwoo.

The art student almost felt his jaw dislocate and the box he held in his arms almost drop to the floor. Jungwoo blinked twice, glancing at Lucas who gave him an innocent smile. As if he couldn't have gotten any redder in the model's presence, Jungwoo was scorching now in pure utter embarrassment. The shorter had been Lucas's boyfriend for a total of 30 minutes. The time had passed so quickly, with Lucas smiling so dumbly and Jungwoo only grinning even more idiotically in return.

It had only been 30 minutes since the model, Lucas Wong, had officially become Kim Jungwoo's boyfriend. Jungwoo couldn't stop his chest from buzzing at the mere idea and now reality of it. The thumping of his heart had only picked up a few beats than it was already to the words that left Lucas' perky smile. The 30 minutes had been full of giddy giggles and playful nudges as they had both carried boxes out the apartment. But of course the the process had been put to a stop when Lucas opened his big cute mouth. 

"I officially hate you." Jungwoo exhaled in awe, now avoiding Lucas' gaze completely. He felt like a kettle boiling on a stove, he was deep red at his neck covered in foundation and the tips of ears. It was an odd time to be getting embarrassed even after how handsy they had gotten earlier. Not only was the art student sporting a deep red, he had been tainted in the light color of it this whole time from just the feeling of Lucas being near, of Lucas actually being his boyfriend. Jungwoo couldn't seem to get used to the word boyfriend being something he related to Lucas, it was weird. He hadn't really thought that they could even get this far. 

"I just felt like you had the right to know since you practically outed yourself early." Lucas bit at his lip, his beautiful smile not faltering. Jungwoo wanted to kiss that cheeky grin off his lips and steal Lucas' breathe like how he had done to Jungwoo before. Sucking everything out of the taller, emotions, tension and all. But of course he didn't, instead, after he had regained his composure, he snorted and walked off to the open door. Lucas being heard sneering behind him, knowing he had Jungwoo's tongue tied.

They both exited the open front door and strolled over to the truck's open back that was low enough to reach the pavement of the parking space it sat in. The sun beat down on them as they set the boxes they brought to the back of the truck with the rest of the pile. Jungwoo wiped off the sweat that collected at his forehead. The art student huffed and leaned his weight on one of his legs with his hands placed at his hips. His full attention turned to the taller who glanced from the corner of his eye toward him. Lucas had been adjusting the box he had set down before straightening up to meet the stature of Jungwoo who waited patiently.  

"Since we're going to be honest here, answer me this," Jungwoo began, the back of his neck feeling damp with the sun shining down on it. Lucas squinted his eyes from the sun as he focused on Jungwoo's unwavering figure. Jungwoo extended out his hand with his index finger ready to point, and it pointed, down towards Lucas' legs. The model frowned, his eyes had following the movement of Jungwoo's hand. After seconds, the model looked up from his own legs, giving Jungwoo a slightly urged look to continue his sentence, which he did, "what's up with your left leg. I've noticed, you're not so subtle limping."  

Lucas almost immediately gulped. The sweat that his skin bled felt sticky in the humid air that moved to the silent wind. He let out a shaky breathe before turning so his now new boyfriend had a view of his profile. He moved from facing the opening of the truck to having his back to lean on its stature.The model squinted up into the clear blue the sky held. Jungwoo's trained stare was not moving away from the male before him for a minute. In such a short time Lucas had really rubbed off his bad staring habit onto Jungwoo. 

If they were going to be in a relationship, Jungwoo wanted to start off with knowing things about the model. And Kim Jungwoo had a feeling that Lucas' efforts to not bringing up his knee meant it was important. Maybe it was too sudden but it was now too late to take it back and besides with Lucas leaning back on the open pulled up door, the model looked like he was willing to spill, and Jungwoo was more than just all ears. 

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