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Tuesday, 9:45 PM

Noodlehead: Jungwoooo

Noodlehead: are you home yet?????

Noodlehead: bbyyYYHHhY

Noodlehead: hey

Noodlehead: Jungwoo??

Noodlehead: are you okay???

Noodlehead: Jungwoo

Noodlehead: Kim Jungwoo

Dialing Bby Boy♡

"You have reached the automatic voice messaging of 134****** who is not available at this time, please leave a message after the-"

7 unanswered calls to Bby Boy♡


The wind was tamed. It was no longer a shaking breeze in the atmosphere that knocked into Jungwoo's frame. It long dispersed into the sky, probably somewhere else. While the wind was gone, Jungwoo was still there. He was there, walking stiffly beside a tall man with tattooed biceps and board shoulders. This man had a name. Jaehyun. Jungwoo had almost forgot.

Jungwoo held his bag to his chest and fiddled with its zippers. He twiddled and picked at the metal, following close suit as Jaehyun made a turn. It was wordless. Neither had spoken since, what they could only call, 'the incident.' Jungwoo suddenly felt red paint his cheeks in utter embarrassment and the feeling of wanting to melt into the floor bloomed in between his ribs. The art student started to fidget with the zippers more intensely now.

The night sky was a dark navy. Just plain, no stars. There probably were stars, but the tall light poles kept them hidden. Instead of the sky illuminating that part of earth, the fluorescent lights of the metal poles led the way down the sidewalk and some of the road. Their walk seemed almost endless. Jungwoo wasn't sure why it felt so long. It was only a 5 minute walk. Perhaps it was the knife sharpening tension that was infected them and the awkwardness in the atmosphere that made it sink in like that. Slow and sluggish. Jungwoo wasn't sure, and it took too much brain power at that moment to think of, so he left it at the back of his mind.

They were now 3 minutes into their stiff stroll, having passed numerous small run down stores, abandoned stores and alley ways now. They were closer then before to the tall apartment building. Jungwoo let his eyes wander freely, embarrassment and shame deep in his heart but wonder was taking over his conscious. The art student looked around just as they passed a play ground and started to feel his feet turn slow. The art student had stopped and examined the play ground. Would it even be appropriate to call it a play ground? Jungwoo whispered in his mind.

The 'playground' was small. It sat on a bed of an ugly brown sand mixed with the leaves of the couple of trees surrounding the area. It homed a swing set for two. The swing set's stature was metal and thin, almost seeming too easy to break. The seats were wooden and screwed into the chains that fell from the metal pipes of its horizontal spine. The pipes and the chains were rusted, which hadn't surprised Jungwoo. There was a tall slide just as equally unstable, with the steps stained with patches of ugly orange metal and even holes. If you squinted, you'd even notice one of the top steps were missing from the little stair case.

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