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"Hey." Was the first thing that felt Lucas' lips, the greeting muffled his mask. The two had been talking for two weeks. Just about two. And here Lucas was, gorgeous. And there Jungwoo was, a mess. Was the universe out to get him? What had he done something in his past life to be suffocated with such complex emotions? Maybe they weren't complex, maybe it was just Jungwoo making them out to be.

Jungwoo didn't have time to be thinking so philosophically so he shoved those thoughts at the back of his mind. The art student blinked, realizing he still hadn't answered the awkward swaying Lucas who was still standing at the entrance. Jungwoo cleared his throat and moved aside to let Lucas have space to enter.

"Hey.." Jungwoo whispered, his vocals slightly shaky. Lucas nodded, a small smile appearing underneath his mask as he entered the foyer and began to take off his shoes with the help of his heels. Lucas proceeded to pull down his face mask to underneath his chin, his face had started to get irritatingly hot from the cloth. The air was thick and once he was bare in socks Jungwoo walked away from the foyer, in a hurried step, to the kitchen. On the counter was brewing tea he had been preparing for a while. Jungwoo was so nervous that he actually spent almost 30 minutes debating on whether to serve them tea or coffee and finally had decided on tea. Jungwoo really hoped Lucas liked chamomile.

Jungwoo scampered to the cabinets and pulled out two plain brown mugs from the shelves, turning around and setting them on the counter next to the tea. Lucas had followed Jungwoo out of the foyer but stopped to take a seat at the only couch near the bar, subtly but not so subtly staring at Jungwoo. The korean male poured the steaming tea into the mugs for the both of them on the kitchen counter. Jungwoo could feel Lucas' eyes on him, like always. Jungwoo placed his hand beside his mug, slightly holding it as he slowly poured the tea.

Jungwoo felt his throat grow dryer as he filled his own mug with the boiling substance before exhaling shakingly, accidentally spilling the heating tea on the side of the mug that dripped onto his skin. Jungwoo yelped, flinching back quickly to the burning sensation that bit at his skin. The mug clattering at the sudden movement from the art student's sudden draw back. Even though Jungwoo hadn't looked at Lucas the entire time, he could hear the rapidly approaching footsteps that sounded worried.

"Fuck." Jungwoo hissed, setting down the kettle of the tea that was still brewing, shaking off his stinging hand. It wasn't long until Lucas was at his side, his front pressed against Jungwoo's back as he took a hold of the art student's wrist delicately. The model maneuvered them to the sink as he reached over with his free hand and quickly turned on the faucet. He placed Jungwoo's injured hand directly underneath the cool falling water.

Jungwoo sighed subconsciously in relief as the water calmed the sharp stabs that ate his skin. Soon, Jungwoo realized their position. His heart almost drum rolling itself out from behind his ribs. Lucas had his fingers so gently wrapped around his wrist that sparked up a sensation stronger than his small injury had. Lucas looming his taller figure over Jungwoo, making his hand was getting the right treatment from the  running the water, their body heat mingled between each other so casually. 

Jungwoo felt his heart sky rocket into his throat now, warmth driving up his neck and settling at his cheeks. Lucas, being as  dense as ever, was not paying attention to anything but the task of cooling Jungwoo's hand. The skin between the art student's thumb and index finger was now starting to show in a slight red.

The blissful and yet dangerous moment didn't last long, it was only a few seconds that Jungwoo had Lucas hovering over his shoulder with his chest hotly pressed against his own back side before the model released Jungwoo's thin wrist and drew back, giving the other space. Jungwoo breathed in, clenching his other hand that was at his side. His chest hurt. Silence seemed to brew thicker than the tea. The atmosphere was awkward again, with Jungwoo and his back towards Lucas, the model stabbing the art student with concerned stares at the lack of speech. Jungwoo bit his bottom lip, his eyes running across the red of his hand before exhaling. His mind fogged.  

"S-Sorry." Jungwoo spoke, not really thinking. Lucas now staring more intently at the view of Jungwoo's back. The model was puzzled almost instantly at the shakiness of the other's vocals when he said those words.

"For?" Lucas pondered curiously. There was no pause.

"Liking you so damn much." Jungwoo confessed in one single breath. Lucas' head titled, very confused now.

"I already knew that you liked me?" Lucas continued, "That's one of the first things you told me." The model began to feel an odd emotion settling at his stomach to the sight of Jungwoo's deflated posture. Why was Jungwoo apologizing? Why did he look so delicate and unguarded in front of him?

The art student's hand was still underneath the running water. The sound of the liquid hitting his skin then the metal of the sink sung through another silent blanket that covered them both, very briefly filling up the wordless atmosphere.

"It's for real this time." Jungwoo sighed, breaking their speechless streak. His figure turned, Lucas getting a better view at Jungwoo's hard thinking expression, the art student's eyes not daring to meet his. For real this time? Lucas was hit with a new wave of masked confusion.

"Please elaborate." The model pressed gently. What was Jungwoo going on about? There was a serious frown on Lucas' face as he stared intently at the other who took a deep breath. Jungwoo felt shame wash over him before opening his mouth again.

"I'm a highkey perv, and I first found you through an ad about fucking lotion that you were half naked in and jacked off to it. Since then I've been following your social media. Which I know is damn creepy and kinda gross. Plus I don't really know how to express myself and insulted you because I've been wanting you to fuck me into oblivion since day one. It was so unexpected when you actually responded! So my old roommate found out and told me he'd get me laid. To do that, he texted you through me confessing to you about my feelings that weren't necessarily accurate.

I didn't love you. I still don't know if I do, I just know I really, really like you. So sorry for making you uncomfortable with me drawing you for my project and I really wanna be friends. I know you're busy with your life and career and I understand that a friend is all I can be to you-" Jungwoo couldn't stop himself from throwing up words, he hadn't even taken a breath throughout his own exposing speech  done by his own mouth. Luckily his uncontrollable word vomit was stopped by none other than the gorgeous model himself.

Lucas had reached forward and slipped his palms up to the soft skin of Jungwoo's cheeks, he cradled the art student's face in his large warm hands. Jungwoo's heart was tight in his stomach, he was frozen. He lifted his head and gazed into the model's brown crystal vision, Lucas was smiling sweetly. Gently running his thumb underneath Jungwoo's ridiculously widened eyes, heat swam in the art student's chest.

"I knew you were cute..." Lucas whispered, the sweet smile still stretched at his lips, now his cheeks sporting a slight tint of red. Lucas' sentence trailed off a little as his eyes got distracted scanning Jungwoo's gorgeous face before he picked up again, leaning closer and closer until he was only a breath away. "But not this cute." Lucas' breath fanned Jungwoo's redden face, the other felt his lungs hitch, not taking his eyes off the model. And in that minute, Lucas closed the gap between them. The warmth grew on Jungwoo's lips as Lucas had pressed his into them.

His lips were so soft and warm, his scent of peaches and honey invaded Jungwoo's senses. Stings flared from the intimacy that burned between the two, Lucas beginning to mold and melt into Jungwoo. The model let his hands fall from Jungwoo's face to cautiously to rest at Jungwoo's hips, making it easier for him to back the shorter up against the counter of the kitchen. Only limiting the space in between them further. Their bodies molded into one another's in flushed heat. Jungwoo's wide eyes had been slow drooping and were now closed. The art student breathing and tasting everything Lucas was throwing at him.

The kiss was once tender but now grew careless and rough. Jungwoo kissed back sweet harshness into his movement. His pulsing hand not leaving the place underneath the faucet, and the other, left numbly at his side. Lucas proceeded to bring up one of his hands from Jungwoo's hips back to his face before settling it at the nape of his neck and pushing Jungwoo forward deeper into their heated kiss.

The model nipped at Jungwoo's swollen bottom lip, and the dazed art student let him. The taller didn't waste time in letting his hot tongue invade Jungwoo's mouth once the shorter had parted his lips with a taste of loveliness. They were both drowning.

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