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Jung Jaehyun. That was the tattooed decorated young man's name. And the this was the same man that had stood at the front counter chatting it away with Donghyuck for almost an hour before Taeyong had returned from his errands and had shooed the dimpled man away. Even during their chatter, Jungwoo had kept a safe distance from the well built man and carried on with his work on the shelves.

Jungwoo didn't want the other to even know of his existence. Despite the fact that it was most definite that the man at the counter having an insightful conversation about the Star Wars legeacy with a 16 year old was the same man from the night before. The memories still creeped up Jungwoo's spine. What had he gotten himself into?

Jungwoo stood in front of one of the open freezers now, placing bottles of soda and water in their named rows. The cold from the open door hugged him in his tee and apron. Jungwoo could almost feel his teeth begin to shake at the ice bites, his fingers turning red from moving the chilling bottles already in the freezer around for more space.

From the back of his ears he could faintly hear the tapping of Donghyuck's foot on the marble tiles that belonged to the store. Mutters of frustration erupted from the younger more then 5 feet from where Jungwoo stood.

The art student felt his shoulders slump slightly at another mini yell from the younger, his back still to him. Lee Donghyuck, not only was an utter brat, but also a gamer. A gamer who was too busy defeating someone's spaceship in some game as he did his job at the front desk.

Oh did Jungwoo want to give an earful. After he had stepped in this morning, just breathing, Donghyuck had the audacity to eye him like some sort of scum stuck on the back of his shoe. Where the younger himself didn't seem to have any shame when it came to being so irresponsible as to play a game while on the job.

Jungwoo sighed to himself with a teenager screech escaping Donghyuck in the background. Jungwoo stepped back from the freezer and reached out to take the handle of the fiber glass door. He wrapped his fingers around the metal and shut the door to a close before turning to his side where empty boxes stood. The hollow boxes were once filled with the drinks he had just placed in the freezer, their pictures being advertised on the sides of them.

Jungwoo glanced over his shoulder to spot Donghyuck still playing so intently on his phone. He held the device horizontally in his palms with his thumbs tapping away at the screen. Jungwoo moved his eyes to train them on Donghyuck's face.

His mouth hung open and his brows creased as he concentrated so deeply on what the device displayed in front of him. His eyes twinkled and flickered with the reflection of his phone. A grin slowly making it to his lips as he grunted triumphantly to himself.

Despite Taeyong having arrived, Donghyuck didn't seem to have changed his behavior at all. Of cours, Taeyong wasn't in the store at the moment, he said he needed to step out just as he had dismissed Jaehyun. And now it had been just Jungwoo and Donghyuck reminiscing in each other's company.

Jungwoo rolled his eyes at the thought of them getting along. He wanted to be at least decent acquaintances with the other but Donghyuck hadn't seemed too enthusiastic about the idea.

For example, when Jungwoo had earlier asked what else there was for him to do, the child like wonder from Donghyuck's chocolate eyes dispersed the minute he lifted them from his phone to meet Jungwoo's gaze. He had answered him in a sassy mutter. Jungwoo was just about to snap. He wasn't going to though. He had to keep this job. So, as Jungwoo had been doing most of that first day, he breathed in and carried on.

Jungwoo looked back the empty boxes and stacked them up and let them fall into one another. Once they were all complied together, Jungwoo crouched down.

To the bend of his knees, he positioned himself as he extended out his arms so that his fingers could slip underneath the stack and easily they did. Jungwoo now reeled in the stack close to his chest as he went back on the heels of his shoes. 

He could still slightly see the outline of Donghyuck mindlessly playing his games. Jungwoo let himself roll his eyes just as there was another jingle at the door, Jungwoo turned to the door but couldn't really see past the object at his chest.

The art student heard from his right the sound of rustling form the counter. Jungwoo glanced at the younger to see the other rushing to hide his device as a flustered red painted his unblemished sun kissed skin at his high cheeks.

"Hyuck. I told you that playing games during work was prohibited." Taeyong's gentled scolding could be heard. Jungwoo brows raised as he moved the stack farther to the other side of his chest so he could get a better view.

Once he got a good look, Donghyuck was seen with cute pout gracing his face. His bottom lip was oddly jutted out and his eyes were big in an obvious attempt to have Taeyong melt, though Jungwoo couldn't really tell whether it was working on the manger from where he stood. 

Just as fast as Donghyuck had set up his big eyed and pouty expression did it fall once he knew he wasn't winning. With a disatisfied grunt, Donghyuck reluctantly pulled out his phone, with plans of shoving it away in his back pocket.

The teenager had hidden it underneath the counter the minute Taeyong entered and now he made sure he had Taeyong watch him as he turned it off the device before putting it away. Jungwoo was almost sure Taeyong was standing there with a pleased smile in front of the other. Though, of course, he couldn't see.

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