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Outside, the breeze was cool and soft. The streets were without honking vechiles but instead dusted with the calming wind that blew through that afternoon turning into night. Jungwoo tightened the grip on the strap of his back pack as it hung off his shoulder.

The sun was nearly almost gone by now. A couple of stars barely peeked into to sight through the velvet black sky above. Both Donghyuck and Jungwoo awkwardly strolled beside each other down the sidewalk. Silence and occasional  tweets and rustles of near by planted tall trees were heard.

Donghyuck walked down the sidewalk with his eyes sternly trained on the device that was horizontally placed in his palms. He never even managed to misplace his step as he swiped his fingers across the screen mindlessly. Jungwoo glanced down at the other, surpirsed at his ability to keep his attention focused on one thing while maintaining a perfect and almost effortless stride. If it were Jungwoo, he would've tripped by now.

"You're staring," Donghyuck muttered after seconds passed, his soft lips perked up as he concentrated on his game. His eyes never left his phone. Jungwoo cleared his throat, feeling heat swim at his nape and let his eyes wander the empty street to his right. His eyes ran across the stores that were all mostly closed on the other side along with the cracks on the other walkway.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes before abruptly turning off his cell phone and shoving it in his back pocket. Jungwoo glanced at the other once more to the sounds that weren't their steps.

Jungwoo noticed from the corner of his eye that the teen was slow in his steps until he ultimately made it to a halt just as they approached a crossing. Jungwoo frowned and stopped as well but only a few steps in front of the other who, for the first time, wasn't glaring him into tomorrow.

Jungwoo felt uneasiness settle in his stomach and his adam's apple bobbed at his gulp. Jungwoo turned to face Donghyuck as he stared at the ground, the teen shuffle a little  before he lifted his gaze. Jungwoo was then met with something hard and rock in the teen's eyes. Determination was it? Or was it hatred? Jungwoo never thought he'd ever find himself confusing the two.

Wordless was the atmosphere's name. After utterless and motionless seconds of just odd staring between the two, Donghyuck took a rather big step forward. Jungwoo returned it with a small one back. Donghyuck wasn't glaring, but he was staring hard. Jungwoo felt his throat grow uncomfortably dry. It was odd.

Donghyuck stepped forward and this time Jungwoo didn't feel the power in legs to take another step back. Donghyuck peered up at him, Jungwoo was frozen and the teen was nearly invading his personal bubble. Jungwoo parted his lips and tried to push off the question on the tip of tongue, his hand loosened it's grip on the strap. Donghyuck's eyes darted from Jungwoo  slightly bugged out eyes down to Jungwoo's loosened palm.

Jungwoo was slow to notice the arm at the teen's side rise and move forward before it was too late. Donghyuck, in sharp movements, reached out and snatched Jungwoo's strap from his palm and dragged the back right off his shoulder. Donghyuck brought it up to his chest just as a surprised gasp escaped Jungwoo's  parted lips at the sight of his bag suddenly in another's hold.

Donghyuck eyes dragged down the fabric of the bag as he took a stride back and he unzipped the bag open. Jungwoo frowned, confused with a tinge of annoyance melting in his chest. Donghyuck released the zipper from in between his fingers and instead brought his hand to the bottom of the bag and gripped the fabric before turning the bag completely upside down.

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