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Jungwoo came home on Wednesday to find one of the couches were gone. Jungwoo blinked twice. He walked closer to the only couch left, the one he usually sat on, and threw his backpack on it. He was finished with his classes for the day, it was around 4 PM when he arrived. And he had come home to one less couch, Jungwoo guessed that either Yuta or Ten had taken it but he  didn't really care too much to ask either of them. They were the ones that owned most of the furniture in the apartment anyway. Jungwoo huffed before he turned around and strolled down the hallway to their rooms. His eye dragging on the walls where there used to be framed pictures of places Yuta had traveled to, they were gone now of course, Jungwoo noted how ugly the bare walls seemed.

He finally reached the end of hallway, to where their room doors were huddled together and noticed Ten's door was open. Ten himself was on the floor folding shirts and pants that laid on his bed and was stuffing them in a box. Ten glanced up, spotting Jungwoo silently looking at him through his doorway, his mouth open to say something.

"I'm gonna be gone by tomorrow." Ten answered without having to know what Jungwoo was going to ask. Jungwoo slowly closed his mouth and sighed. It was actually happening, the roommates he's shared an apartment with for almost 2 years were actually leaving. Jungwoo shuffled his feet and entered Ten's room, walking around the boxes in his way before sitting on the opposite side of Ten's bed that didn't have clothes spread out on it. He reached for a shirt and began to fold it, Ten peered at him as they sat in comfortable silence. "You have a place to stay right?" Ten asked, with a serious tone, stuffing a denim jacket in the box in front of him.

"Yeah." Jungwoo responded, setting aside a shirt he just finished folding it and picked up a pair of jeans to fold next.

"Where is it?" Ten questioned, his eyes not leaving his work at packing. Jungwoo stopped folding the pants for the minute before he sighed.

"Somewhere." Jungwoo chuckled weakly, willing his tears away and smiled down at the now folded pants. Ten huffed loudly and halted his movements, dropping the tee he had in his hands on his lap before he whipped around to meet Jungwoo's defeated figure that the korean male straightened once he was under Ten's sharp gaze.

Jungwoo had managed to get a small one room apartment in a shady part of Seoul. The complex was a tall building that was practically falling apart with a number of love hotels and clubs near. Not to mention the crime rate was really high, with many crackheads owning guns and robbing small  businesses for their own personal need.

In the past, Jungwoo would've seen the clubs and hotels as his paradise but ever since he had entered college and started taking it seriously, everything had changed. He didn't like thinking about it too much. It hurt to. It hurt him when he thought of his senior year of highschool and his mom's unfortunate passing. He was raised by a single mom and had no siblings. His mother would work 3 jobs just to be able to afford a nearly rotten motel sized apartment on the outskirts of Seoul.

Jungwoo had always promised her he'd go to college. To make her proud. But she never got to see that day. She passed away from a heart attack when Jungwoo was 18. So with the money she had saved for him, which was more than he expected, Jungwoo dragged himself to Seoul then applied for Hansung University and fortunately got accepted. The first year of his college was spent mostly drunk, and partying. All that would be on his mind was his mother. He had been living around until he decided to actually attend one of his classes and spotted a flyer to share an apartment real near the university for 1/3 of the rent. With the money his mother had hidden away for his college, Jungwoo was able to pay off 4 years of intuition in one sitting and 2 years of the rent at their apartment.

And now here he was, sitting on Ten's bed, helping him pack. Jungwoo felt the urge to cry for the first time through this whole process of moving. He was going to be alone again. He was afraid he'd find himself drowning in alcohol again. Or he'd find himself waking up in different sheets every morning like before. Living with Ten and Yuta helped him so much, they put his life back together.

"Jungwoo it's okay, I don't wanna leave either." Ten spoke softly, Jungwoo bit his bottom lip and turned his head, giving Ten a view of his side profile. Ten chuckled sourly, "I'm going to miss you."

Jungwoo breathed in, the inhale turning into a sniffle as he felt his tears drip effortlessly. Jungwoo covered his face with his palms, his back now towards Ten who could be heard standing up from the floor. Ten walked up and over the boxes scattered in the room to the other side of the bed and sat next to Jungwoo. He began to pet the other's head as his shoulders shook while he cried silently.

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