Chapter 2

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*Bailey's POV*

I woke up from the sound of someone banging on the door. I, quickly, got up out of bed and ran to my door. I opened it and saw Kylo Ren, with his mask and his black robe on, standing outside. "Be ready in fifteen minutes for your training. I'll send a Stormtrooper to escort you." He said, in the robotic voice. I didn't say anything, so I simply nodded and, then, he walked off.

I closed the door and I went to the bathroom that was in a small room on the right side corner of my room. I brushed my hair and teeth. After that, I went to my dresser and I put on a black tank top and black exercise leggings. Then, I went to the closet and grabbed a pair of black boots. I wanted to wear my black and white Nike tennis shoes, but it was probably best to wear the boots, so I wouldn't end up getting yelled at for wearing the wrong attire. Since I have shoulder length hair, I kept my hair down.

The door knocked. I looked in the mirror to make sure that I was good to go, then, I walked up to the door and opened it, where a Stormtrooper was waiting outside. "Kylo Ren sent me here to escort you." He said, in a robotic voice. I nodded, as I walked out of my room and followed the Stormtrooper.

We were walking down the hallways for a few minutes until we stopped in front of what looked like a cafeteria. I was confused. I thought I was supposed to be training with Kylo. "Pardon me, miss, but I forgot to mention that Kylo Ren wants you to eat breakfast before training. He's in the dining hall, waiting for you." The Stormtrooper said and, then, he walked away. I walked through the cafeteria and into the dining hall area, where Kylo, without his mask on, was sitting at a two-seated table, waiting for me.

I took a deep breath and I walked to the table and sat down in the empty chair across from Kylo. There was a tray full of food on it; eggs, bacon, a bowl of oatmeal, a cup of orange juice, and a cup of water. "Glad you could make it. I didn't know what you like, so I brought you what's on the tray." Kylo said, as he began eating his breakfast. I didn't say a word to him since I was still heartbroken and mad at him for taking me away from my family. I was also a little bit scared of him of how he was going to be like during my training session.

I leaned my head on my hand and I picked up the spoon and I, slowly, started stirring the oatmeal, without eating it. Kylo looked up and saw what I was doing. "You should eat. Can't train on an empty stomach." He said. I looked up and glared at him and scoffed at him as I looked down at my oatmeal, still stirring it. Then, I felt two gloved fingers lifting my chin up and I was facing Kylo. "I would adjust that attitude of yours if I were you or else you'll face the consequences." He said, sternly and threateningly. I was shocked. It's my first day and I'm already being threaten by Kylo Ren. How about that for the first day?

He, then, looked around, as if he was making sure there was no one nearby, which there wasn't, and, then, he leaned in towards me. "Listen, I understand how you feel. You're heartbroken and angry with me, I can sense it. But please try to cooperate with me. I don't want to hurt you, especially on your first day of training. Will you please cooperate with me, Bailey? Please?" He said, softly, as he held his black gloved hand out towards me.

I looked at his hand and I looked at him. I took a second to think. I guess I should consider listening to him and not end up facing the consequences that could potentially end my life. I took a deep breath and I said, "Whatever you say, Kylo Ren." I, then, shook his gloved hand. He had a smirk on his face. I released his hand and I began eating my breakfast. "Thank you for the breakfast, by the way." I said. He looked at me, lightly, blushing. "You're welcome, Bailey." He said and continued eating his breakfast.

As we were finishing up our breakfast, I heard a voice next to me. "So, this is our newest member of the First Order that Supreme Leader Snoke has told me about?" I looked up and saw a tall, stern looking man with ginger hair wearing a gray suit and a Stormtrooper, in silver instead of white with a black cape, standing by the table. He looked creepy as he was looking at me with a stern grin on his face, so I simply nodded.

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