Chapter 23

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*Kylo's POV*

I was in the infirmary waiting room with my mother, Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, C3PO, R2-D2, and BB-8, waiting for any news about Bailey. My mother even sat next to me, holding my gloved hand for comfort. So far, it's been three hours and we haven't heard about anything. I really hope that Bailey's alright.

I couldn't sense that she was still alive when I held her in my arms after she was shot by General Hux back on the Supremacy with my Force. I didn't understand why until General Hux had mentioned to me that I became even more weaker than before because I thought I'd lost Bailey forever. But thank goodness Rey discovered that Bailey was still alive. But I still felt guilty for putting Bailey in danger. I was supposed to protect her, even from General Hux. But at the same time, I was thankful that she saved my life and even Luke's life.

Sooner or later, a doctor walked into the waiting room. We stood up, eagerly. I approached the doctor, with my mother by my side, while she was still holding my hand. "How's Bailey, doctor?" I asked. "We took her in for surgery, Kylo Ren. We were able to stop the bleeding and we stitched up the wound." The doctor said. I let out a sigh of relief. I could even hear the others letting out a sigh of relief as well. I was glad to hear that.

"However..." The doctor began to say. We all stopped and looked up. I was not expecting something else. What was going on? I held my mother's hand a little tighter. "Because of the impact of where the Blaster had shot her, she's in critical condition due to blood loss from internal bleeding. She has a small percentage of surviving this." The doctor said.

At that moment, I felt my heart had stopped beating after hearing that. I felt like I could collapse on the floor. I wanted to cry, but I was fighting them back. "No." I whispered. I could feel my mother rubbing my upper arm to comfort me. "I'm so sorry, Kylo. We did everything that we can. There's nothing else we could do. All we can do is put her on life support and hopefully she'll make it." The doctor said. "Can I go see her?" I asked. "Of course you can." The doctor answered.

Then, I let go of my mother's hand and I started following the doctor. But, then, I turned around to face my mother and Rey, who were still standing with the others, watching me go with the doctor. "Mother, Rey, could you both come be in the room with me in a few minutes?" I asked them. "Sure." Rey said. "We'll be there." My mother said. "Thank you." I said and, then, I proceeded to follow the doctor. We walked down the infirmary hallway for a few seconds until we finally made it to Bailey's room. The doctor gestured me that I can go inside and, then, he left.

As I entered Bailey's room, I couldn't hold the tears back any longer and they immediately streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't move my legs. I stared at Bailey's body. She was hooked up to life support machines, an IV, and a heart monitor. She was hanging on for dear life. I, finally, walked over to her bedside and I sat down in a chair as close to her as I could. I, gently, held her hand as I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed and I could see a cut on the bottom of her lip that was caused by Snoke. Her chest was moving up and down, slowly, and I could hear the heart monitor beeping at the same time.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whispered to Bailey, as I held her hand a little tighter. "I'm so sorry for putting you through this, Bailey. I hate seeing you in this condition. It tears me apart even more." I said, as I began stroking her hand with my gloved thumb. "But I want to let you know that I'm here for you and I'm not leaving your side. I also want to let you know that you're the love of my life and I love you so, so much, Bailey." I said and I kissed her hand with more tears streaming down my cheeks. "I can't live without you, Bailey."

*Bailey's POV*

I opened my eyes as I was laying on my back. I wasn't in Snoke's throne room on the Supremacy. I was surrounded by an empty black space. Was this a dream? But I was shot by General Hux. Was I dead? I sat up and I looked at my torso and there was no shot mark on it nor did I feel any pain. I stood up and looked at myself. I was in the same outfit, but Luke's Lightsaber wasn't on my utility belt. Then, I looked around. Everything was nothing but black. No light anywhere. There was no one around. Not Rey or Finn, not even Kylo. Where was I?

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