Chapter 24

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*Kylo's POV*

I held Bailey's hand to my forehead. I tried to calm down. I had my eyes closed as I was thinking about all the memorable moments with Bailey.

Training her, Bailey falling on top of me where we stared at each other, her smile, the way she laughs, her taking care of me after the Wampa attack, kissing her for the first time, her singing 'Our Little Song', being together in the treatment hot tub, her teaching me how to slow dance, massaging her feet, having a real dance to ourselves, reuniting with my mother, getting to know everyone from the Resistance, and proposing to her.

Now I felt my eyes were starting to feel watery again. I just wish there was some way that I could help Bailey. I felt even more weaker.

"Kylo." I lifted my head up and I looked around the room when I heard someone call my name, faintly. My mother or Rey weren't in the room with me. It was just me and Bailey. I must be hearing things. I shook my head and I looked down at Bailey's hand. "Kylo." Then, I looked up. I recognized that voice. It was Bailey's. I looked at her face, expecting her to open her eyes, but nothing happened. I must be really out of it. I looked down at her hand, once again.

"Kylo." I heard her voice again, so I decided to respond back to her to see if she'll respond back to me. "Bailey? Are you okay? I'm right here." I said, looking at her. But she didn't move. "Kylo, you can hear me. I'm communicating with you through the Force. Communicate with me." I heard Bailey's voice. I did what she told me to do and I closed my eyes and I communicated back to her through the Force.

"Bailey. I can't believe I can hear your voice through the Force." I said. "And the Force is the only way to heal me, Kylo." She said. "Of course. I used my Force to heal my wounds from the Wampa attack." I said. "Yes. And I could use your help to help heal me." She said. "How?" I asked. "Combine our Forces together." She said. "But, Bailey, I feel so weak. I don't know if I have the strength to do it." I said. "Same with me, Kylo. But if we combine our Forces together, I'm sure with every strength that we have, our Forces will be able to heal me." She said. Then, I thought of an idea. "Bailey, I think I might have an idea. Will you wait a moment?" I asked her. "Sure." "Okay. Don't lose me." I said. "Okay."

I opened my eyes. I turned towards the door and, just at the perfect timing, Rey and my mother were standing by the door. I stood up and walked towards them. "Rey, mother, I need your help." I said. They both looked at me, confused. "What it is, Ben?" My mother asked me. "Bailey is communicating with me through the Force and she said that combining our Forces together will help heal her. But the thing is, we don't have enough strength to do it. But since you both are Force-Sensitive, will you both help us?" I asked them.

They took a moment to think until my mother spoke, "Of course we'll help, Ben." My mother said. "We'll do everything we can to help." Rey said. "Thank you." I said, and we walked towards Bailey's bed, where I sat on her bed next to her. Then, I closed my eyes and I tried communicating with Bailey through the Force.

"Bailey, are you there?" I asked. "Yes." I heard her voice. "Bailey, my mother and Rey are gonna help heal you. We'll be using our Force to help heal you whenever you're ready." I told her. "Okay, Kylo. I'm ready now." She said.

I opened my eyes and I looked at my mother and Rey. "She's ready. Let's close our eyes and focus our Force on Bailey." I told them and they both nodded.

*Third Person's POV*

Kylo, Leia, and Rey closed their eyes, held their right hand out towards Bailey, and they began focusing their Force on her.

*Bailey's POV*

I started focusing my Force towards the projection to heal my body. I felt Kylo, Leia, and Rey's Force at the same time. It felt strong. My strength was starting to weaken a little, but, then, I felt more strong Force connections surrounding me, making the connection even more stronger. "The four of us will help you, Bailey." I heard Obi-Wan's voice. "Thank you." I said. The eight of us combining our Forces together made the connection even more stronger than ever. I really hope it worked.

Then, the Force connection stopped. I opened my eyes and I didn't see the projection in front of me. I turned around and faced Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, and Yoda. "What's going on?" I asked. "It worked, Bailey." Luke said. "You're healed." Anakin said. "You're going back to your body." Yoda said. I looked down at myself and I was, slowly, starting to disappear.

Then, I looked up at the four of them, smiling. "Thank you all so much for all your help." I said. "Farewell, Bailey." Luke said. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Yoda simply nodded, while smiling. "I'll never forget all four of you." "Don't worry, Bailey. We'll always be with you. Remember, the Force will be with you. Always." I heard Obi-Wan's last words before I'd completely blacked out.


I fluttered my eyes open and I was, briefly, blinded by a bright ceiling light. I blinked my eyes a couple times as I was trying to open them. My eyes were completely opened. I can hear a heart monitor from behind me, beeping at a normal pace, and I had an IV in my hand. Then, I realized that I was laying on an infirmary bed. I was back in my body.

I turned my head to the left and I saw Kylo sitting on the bed next to me with Leia and Rey standing next to the bed behind him. I looked at Kylo and he had tears of happiness running down his cheeks while smiling. I smiled back at him. "Kylo." I simply said, softly. Then, Kylo, gently, put his hands on my upper arms and he laid his head on my right shoulder, hugging me. I wrapped my arms around Kylo's back and I laid my head on top of his head, as tears of happiness ran down my cheeks, while I was still smiling.

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