Chapter 25

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*Bailey's POV*

After I was healed by the use of the Force within me and the combination of Kylo, Leia, Rey, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, and Yoda's Force, the doctor was surprised of how quickly I healed. I just told him that it was a 'Force' miracle. He kept me on pain medication and he wanted me to stay in bed for at least two or three days just to check and make sure that I was doing well. I was off the life support machines, but I was still hooked up to the heart monitor and I still had the IV in my hand as well. He told me that the cut on the bottom of my lip was healed, but I still had a scar from the cut. Even the bruise under my left eye was gone.

The doctor even let me sit up more so I would feel more relaxed. Kylo was still sitting next to me on my bed after I was completely healed. I didn't want him to leave my side. After the doctor left, Finn, Poe, Chewie, C3PO, R2-D2, and BB-8 came into my room to see me. Finn and Poe even greeted me with gentle hugs. Even though it was a bit crowded in my room, I was still glad to see everyone.

While we were all talking, something came to my mind. "Kylo?" I asked. He turned to me, looking concerned. "Yes, Bailey? Are you okay?" He asked, as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just forgot to ask you something." I said. "What is it?" "What happened after I was shot? You know, with General Hux?" I asked. "After General Hux shot you, I tried to kill him, but he kicked me to the ground. I became even more weaker because I thought I'd lost you forever, Bailey.

"He was about to pull the trigger on me, but Rey shot him with a Stormtrooper's Blaster. Then, I stabbed him through the chest with my Lightsaber, but he was still alive, so I finished him off by snapping his neck." Kylo said. "Oh, my goodness." I said, putting a hand towards my mouth. "Don't worry, Bailey. At least he won't bother us anymore." He said.

There was a long pause around my room for about a minute until Finn spoke, "Oh, Bailey. Here's your Lightsaber. Thank you for letting me use it." He, then, handed me my Lightsaber and I grabbed it. "Thank you, Finn, and you're welcome." I said, as I set my Lightsaber on my right side. "Oh, and I also found these on Kylo's Command Shuttle. I didn't know if they belong to you." Finn said, as he handed me something with a brown fabric wrapped around it.

I unwrapped the brown fabric and I saw what it was. It was Luke's Lightsaber and the brown fabric was his cape. Tears immediately fell down my cheeks. "My goodness. It's Master Luke's Lightsaber." I heard C3PO. I also heard Chewie growling and R2-D2 and BB-8 beeping. "You okay, Bailey?" Poe asked me, rubbing my right upper arm. "Is everything alright?" Rey asked me. I felt Kylo's hand rubbing my back and Leia held my hand. "Tell us what happened, Bailey." Leia said, nicely and calmly. I wiped the tears off my face, took a couple of deep breaths, and I began to tell everyone.

I told everyone of what happened since Kylo and I arrived on the Supremacy. Confronting Snoke, my 'death', Luke showing up, Snoke trying to kill Kylo and Luke, killing Snoke myself, and the whole battle with the guards. "So, what happened to Luke after the battle?" Leia asked. I looked down before I could answer. Kylo put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. It's alright." He whispered. I nodded and I took a deep breath and I looked at Leia, trying to fight back the tears. "Luke is gone. He became one with the Force." I said.

Leia, then, looked down, heartbroken. I couldn't fight back the tears any longer as they streamed down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Leia." I said, looking down. Then, I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me. I looked up and saw Leia. I wrapped my arms around her and I returned the hug. With Leia hugging me, she reminded me of my mom hugging me whenever I was upset with something and I needed comfort.

A few moments later, we pulled away from our hug and, then, I handed Leia Luke's cape and his Lightsaber. "Luke wanted you to have these. He also wanted me to tell you that he's fine and that he loves you." I said. Leia took them and she looked at them while, lightly, touching Luke's Lightsaber. "I thought I'd sensed Luke's death, I just didn't know what happened to him." She said. "You sensed Luke's death?" I asked. "Of course I did. We feel what we feel, even with the Force within us. After all, he is my twin brother." She said. I smiled a little bit. "At least he died peacefully and he became one with the Force." I said. "I'm glad he did too." Leia said.

"Plus, I did see him and he helped heal me." I said. Everyone looked at me, confused. "You saw Luke and he helped heal you?" Leia asked. I nodded. "But it was not just Luke that I saw and who helped heal me. I also saw Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker." I said. "You saw grandfather and the others?" Kylo asked. I nodded. "How?" Then, I told everyone about everything that happened while was with Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, and Yoda.

"I was almost about to become a Force-Ghost because my body was dying. But Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, and Yoda helped heal me. It was not just Kylo, Leia, and Rey." I finished. "Wow. I was wondering why the connection felt even more stronger." Rey said. "But I'm glad that our combined Forces worked and you're completely healed, Bailey." Leia said. "And I'm glad that grandfather, Uncle Luke, Obi-Wan, and Master Yoda were there to help you." Kylo said. "Me too." I said.


An hour later, everyone, except Kylo, left my room to get a bite to eat from the cafeteria. I was eating my food on a tray after a droid brought it to me, while Kylo was still sitting on my bed next to me to make sure that I was doing okay, even though I was healed. After I was done eating, the same droid came back and it took my empty tray and it left.

A few moments later, something came to my head again. "Kylo?" I asked. "Yes, Bailey?" "Now that Supreme Leader Snoke, General Hux, and Captain Phasma are dead, what's gonna happen now?" I asked. "Well, since all the high rank superiors are dead, I'm automatically Supreme Leader. But I'm not going to be." Kylo said. "Why's that?" "Because I have my mind and my heart set for something else rather then being a Supreme Leader." He said, as he held my right hand, looking at the ring. Our promise. Then, he looked at me, smiling. I smiled back. "We'll think of something." Kylo said.

I thought for a moment until an idea popped into my head. "Kylo, what if we combine the Resistance and the First Order together?" I asked. Kylo, then, looked at me. "Combine the Resistance and the First Order together?" He asked. "Yeah. Combine them together and they will no longer be enemies and there will be no more war between them. Plus, they won't have to be called the Resistance or the First Order anymore. With them combined together, we can call them...'The Alliance'." I said.

Kylo looked at me, intrigued about my idea. "Bailey, I think it's a wonderful idea. But why the word 'alliance' and who's going to be the new leader since I'm not going to carry on as Supreme Leader?" He asked. "I chose the word 'alliance' because the Resistance and the First Order will no longer be enemies and they will work together. As for the leader, I think I know someone who can." I said. "Who?" "Leia." I answered. Kylo smiled even more. "Bailey, I think we should tell my mother your idea because I think we should do it. No more war and no more being enemies. The Resistance and the First Order will become 'The Alliance'." He said, as he laid next to me on my bed. I smiled even more.

"I'm glad that you're really into my idea, Kylo." I said. Then, Kylo put an arm around my shoulder and he leaned his forehead against mine and whispered, "Why don't we switch that name to 'Ben Solo'?" I chuckled, softly, and I whispered back, "Okay. I love you, Ben." "I love you too, Bailey." We, then, closed our eyes and we pressed our lips against each other for the first time in a while. Man, I really missed those warm, soft lips of his.

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